Mercury Enters Virgo (September 9, 2011)

Ener­gies shift…A calmer mind now…Focused mind…Take a deep breath

Okay, are you ready?

Her­mes dances back into Vir­go for just over two weeks…so you bet­ter get busy and make use of your new-found par­tic­u­lar, pre­cise and per­cep­tive disposition.

Vir­go brings clar­i­ty and order to your mind now, and a turn­ing to the prac­ti­cal and work­able is wel­come (and need­ed) after the ide­al­is­tic fer­vor of Leo. Calm appraisal, crit­i­cal review and the capac­i­ty to adjust to the changes with­in and without…that is the gift you are offered by Mer­cury in Virgo.

You are seek­ing (always) to find that peace­ful place; to reach that calm cen­ter where you will find the assur­ance that all is well…and it is always there because it is always with­in you. That is the gift of Her­mes in Vir­go now; he leads you in and out so that you may see that you are always the stu­dent, always the appren­tice of the greater life that is unfold­ing before you.

Mer­cury offers a gift that is found in your har­vest of mean­ing; for it is now that you can sort the wheat from the chaff of your life. You can make sense of what is with­in and what is with­out, and bind them back togeth­er in a way that is truer for you. You can find again that true path, the Path of Beau­ty, as you work your way to whole­ness, again.

Let Mer­cury, the mes­sen­ger of the gods, show you the way to cre­ate a fuller life, a more com­plete life…Let Mer­cury in Vir­go make you whole again.

You are the weaver work­ing at the loom of life. Weave your life now with the threads of Sim­plic­i­ty, Ele­gance and Joy­ful Ser­vice as you becom­ing the becom­ing that is your jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

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