Daily Archives: September 10, 2011

Venus Sextiles Mars (September 11, 2011)

What you love is what you desire; and today they will meet in gen­tle caress­es, shared mem­o­ries and hopes for a bet­ter future.

Venus is singing the song of Vir­go; she sings your songs of grace, humil­i­ty and devo­tion. Mars is danc­ing in Can­cer; he is mov­ing through the waters of life as you dance ’round and around, mov­ing to your cen­ter, danc­ing to your home. Togeth­er they sing and dance the sto­ry of life, of your ori­gins and des­tiny, which is your jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Today is a day to appre­ci­ate you; today is a day to caress one anoth­er. Today is a good day…

Let it be…