Virgo Full Moon (September 12, 2011)

Take out your Scythe of Dis­cern­ment…Now you must cut away what must be let go…Now you will har­vest what you have learned…The wheel of life is turn­ing, ever rolling on to your future, the future you are mak­ing today. You have plant­ed well; now you must pre­pare for what is to come, for “Win­ter is Com­ing”!

Known as the “Har­vest Moon”, the Vir­go Full Moon (Sun in Vir­go, Moon in Pisces) rep­re­sents the piv­ot point in the Zodi­ac. You must look with­in and under­stand what you have so far learned, about the life with­in and the life with­out. You are the micro­cosm in the macro­cosm; the Ancient Teach­ings pro­claim, “as above, so below” and you seek to know your­self for it is the one true key to the Uni­verse around you.

You are prepar­ing to enter the sec­ond half of the Cir­cle of Life that begins in Libra. Before you can pass the Equinox­al Por­tal you must become whole, com­plete and made ready for your beloved. The pas­sage in Vir­go has brought you to a fin­er, detailed under­stand­ing; you see the many trees, but do you see the forest?

That is what the Moon in Pisces reflects to you now, that your ordered life is part of a greater order, a pageant of unfold­ing ener­gies in the uni­verse around you. You move through a phys­i­cal realm that rein­forces the sense that you are sep­a­rate, apart from any and all oth­ers; and so you may become lost.

But now there is an answer, you were always part of some­thing greater, you were nev­er alone. The Intu­itive Vision of Pisces lifts you up with the “know­ing” that the great­est illu­sion is separation.

The One, the Ever­last­ing Truth is that all are part of one great life, innu­mer­able sparks of the Great Flame that is Spir­it. It is “That”, the One, who has lit and resides in every spir­it. You are the shin­ing host who move like a great com­pa­ny of can­dles, on this jour­ney through the cos­mos that is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, self-becom­ing, ever-unfold­ing out and in.

You are one, we are one…

…and togeth­er we are build­ing this uni­verse for the One.

So be it.

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