Take out your Scythe of Discernment…Now you must cut away what must be let go…Now you will harvest what you have learned…The wheel of life is turning, ever rolling on to your future, the future you are making today. You have planted well; now you must prepare for what is to come, for “Winter is Coming”!
Known as the “Harvest Moon”, the Virgo Full Moon (Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces) represents the pivot point in the Zodiac. You must look within and understand what you have so far learned, about the life within and the life without. You are the microcosm in the macrocosm; the Ancient Teachings proclaim, “as above, so below” and you seek to know yourself for it is the one true key to the Universe around you.
You are preparing to enter the second half of the Circle of Life that begins in Libra. Before you can pass the Equinoxal Portal you must become whole, complete and made ready for your beloved. The passage in Virgo has brought you to a finer, detailed understanding; you see the many trees, but do you see the forest?
That is what the Moon in Pisces reflects to you now, that your ordered life is part of a greater order, a pageant of unfolding energies in the universe around you. You move through a physical realm that reinforces the sense that you are separate, apart from any and all others; and so you may become lost.
But now there is an answer, you were always part of something greater, you were never alone. The Intuitive Vision of Pisces lifts you up with the “knowing” that the greatest illusion is separation.
The One, the Everlasting Truth is that all are part of one great life, innumerable sparks of the Great Flame that is Spirit. It is “That”, the One, who has lit and resides in every spirit. You are the shining host who move like a great company of candles, on this journey through the cosmos that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit, self-becoming, ever-unfolding out and in.
You are one, we are one…
…and together we are building this universe for the One.
So be it.