Venus Opposition Uranus (September 17, 2011)

It’s all about…Balance…To find your way, to walk the noble path, the path that takes you between the extremes of Hot/Cold, Dark/Light, Loud/Quiet, Soft/Hard…and I and Thou!

Venus, the plan­et of Beau­ty and Love, is danc­ing delight­ful­ly, hav­ing just arrived in her own sign of Libra, the sign devot­ed to rela­tion­ship. Uranus, the plan­et of Free­dom and Indi­vid­u­a­tion, is in Aries the sign which is oppo­site to Libra, the sign most devot­ed to self-affirmation.

The dilem­ma posed by Venus oppo­site Uranus now is: How do you bal­ance your need to be freer, to be your­self more tru­ly, with your need to adjust and accom­mo­date to each and every oth­er per­son in your life?

It would seem that the more you give to any oth­er in your rela­tion­ships, the less free­dom you have for your­self; and the more you assert your free­dom to be your­self, the less you will have to offer to your relationships.

But, of course, spir­i­tu­al­ly, this is not true at all. That spe­cious jux­ta­po­si­tion is a false dichoto­my between free­dom and rela­tion­ship. Actu­al­ly, truth­ful­ly, the issue is between healthy and less healthy forms of rela­tion­ship; the oppor­tu­ni­ty is offered here to see rela­tion­ship as it must tru­ly be.

If you believe that you are “per­fect­ly free” when you are per­fect­ly alone, then you are liv­ing in denial of the most fun­da­men­tal real­i­ty, that we all are ones of the One. In fact, you are not free at all when you assert this; you are just alone, plain and sim­ple, and there is no free­dom at all in that, (nor can it be, it is just your illusion).

Free­dom is a social expe­ri­ence that is found­ed upon the rela­tion­ship of two or more souls who under­stand, believe in and sup­port one anoth­er as they each attempt to become the becom­ing. Free­dom is the expe­ri­ence of each under­stand­ing who the oth­er is and cel­e­brat­ing “that”, encour­ag­ing “that”, and cre­at­ing a space for each of them to become more of “that”. True free­dom, Spir­i­tu­al Free­dom, is not free­dom “from” but free­dom “to be”, to be self-becom­ing, to become That.

Cel­e­brate this oppo­si­tion of Venus and Uranus which reminds you that your true self can only become by unfold­ing itself in a space with oth­ers. Free­dom through rela­tion­ship is Free­dom because it cel­e­brates your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty while it hon­ors the truth that you are one of the ones of The One.

You are the self-becom­ing, you are that…and you are nev­er alone.

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