Daily Archives: September 18, 2011

Mars Enters Leo (September 18, 2011)

Mars enters Leo for almost two months, till Novem­ber 11, that’s right till 11/11/11. He is slow­ing down now, and after enter­ing Vir­go Mars will turn ret­ro­grade in Jan­u­ary and stay in Vir­go till July 2012.

While in Can­cer your desires/actions turned towards secu­ri­ty, to mov­ing more inwards; you went div­ing down to secure and pro­tect your cen­ter, your home. But now Mars moves into Fire and you must move out again and release your new­found, new­ly cen­tered self into those self-affirm­ing/­self-exclaim­ing dis­plays of cre­ativ­i­ty, lead­er­ship and love.

You need to act now with more con­fi­dence and style; courage, bold­ness and brava­do, that’s the spirit…it’s time for the lion’s roar (and the roar of the crowd applaud­ing you), that is the expe­ri­ence you seek now. But it all depends on what you learned and secured while Mars was in Cancer…

If you found that truer self at your cen­ter, then as you cre­ate oth­ers will “see” that more authen­tic self in your cre­ation; if you lead, you will turn around and see that they are fol­low­ing you; and if you love uncon­di­tion­al­ly, then you will see it being returned to you by your beloved. But remem­ber, always, you get what you give…you reap what you sow…

You want above all now to have your moti­va­tions, desires, aims, inten­tions and actions, you want them all to be respect­ed by those around you…you want and need respect. There are only 2 require­ments: Do you hold your­self in such regard, do you have self-respect? And, do you accord the oth­ers in your life the same, do you treat them as ones of the One and so with that utmost respect that they deserve as well?

Recog­ni­tion, approval, acknowl­edge­ment and respect…these are the moti­va­tors of your life now (and always). But you must give if you are to receive, give to your­self and to those before you. Are you ready, are you ready to shine?

Time to Create…Time to Lead…Time to Love.…

It is time to Roar like a Lion!