Daily Archives: September 19, 2011

Questions and Answers (September 19, 2011)

I received the fol­low­ing query from a client and blog read­er. I thought it might be help­ful to share it:

Q: Not sure if I’m sup­posed to be “both­er­ing” you with emails, etc. so please let me know either way! But I want­ed to ask what’s “going on” these days….it seems like every­one is run­ning into obsta­cles left and right  — emo­tion­al over­loads, work issues, tech­nol­o­gy,  etc. In my layman’s terms: What’s bang­ing around up in the heavens?

A: There are no “big” exact align­ments right now, (that would be out­er plan­et to out­er plan­et). The clos­est would be on 10/3 when Mars will Square Jupiter, which is cer­tain­ly strong. But the Sun is com­ing into Libra on Sep­tem­ber 23, (that is the Fall equinox), and will line up with Uranus and then with Plu­to between 9/25 to 9/28, (with a New Moon on the 27th as well). That means they all are form­ing what is called a “T‑Square”, a very strong and stress­ful configuration.

More impor­tant­ly, this ser­i­al align­ment is “acti­vat­ing” the Uranus/Pluto square which is “The BIG” align­ment for 2012–2015. So in that sense it is giv­ing us a pre­view of that his­toric erup­tion of ener­gies, ener­gies we are already feel­ing and will be deal­ing with for some time to come, (and I will be repeat­ed­ly writ­ing and talk­ing about).

There is much to say about this his­toric event, but sim­ply put it is call­ing for a new adjustment/alignment between Individuality/Freedom and Order/Responsibility. The last major align­ment they had, the Con­junc­tion, was the major one of the 1960’s…remember the 60’s? Then you get the idea…but this time it is MORE intense because it is a square!

Prob­a­bly it is this that you and oth­ers are feel­ing, the com­ing of that T‑Square which trig­gers the Uranus/Pluto square.

Q: So basi­cal­ly the acti­va­tion of the Uranus/Pluto square will also be felt at a per­son­al lev­el; that is not just on the eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal fronts? I think the gen­er­al feel­ing I have and oth­ers in my life is that we are NOT in control.

A: Well, of course, we all have lim­it­ed con­trol, always. It is just that the order of things, the real­i­ty we have been mov­ing through and count­ing on con­tin­u­ing, (though it was always chang­ing), is accel­er­at­ing its pace of change now. The par­a­digm is shift­ing and a new world is being born out of the ash­es of the old…but as it does many things become uncertain.

Which is why we need so much to be remind­ed now of the eter­nal truths. It is those truths that have always guid­ed us back upon the mid­dle path, the noble path of spir­i­tu­al truth. Hence my small con­tri­bu­tion as to why I start­ed the blog now…because there is so much need now for calm reas­sur­ance and reminders as to what is most important…

Q: Thank you Bill, and yes, that is exact­ly what I find in your blog, the calm reas­sur­ance and reminder of what is important!