Daily Archives: September 22, 2011

Sun Enters Libra — The Equinox (September 23, 2011)

You are nev­er alone…ever. But now, now it is time to take anoth­er by their hand, to walk togeth­er, side by side, to face the future that you make togeth­er, to dance the dance of life that is shared, as you become the becoming…

Now comes your time to dance the Dance in Libra.

The wheel is turning…it rolls into a new sea­son, a social sea­son, a time of con­nect­ing to one anoth­er and re-con­nect­ing with your “self”. You have reached the bal­ance point, the tip­ping point, you stand at the Equinoc­tial Moment and you must pause to con­sid­er the life just lived and the life before you.

It is a time of end­ing and a new begin­ning; you have pre­pared your­self while you danced through Vir­go. You cre­at­ed your vir­ginal space with­in and with­out, you made your­self more whole and so more ready for true, rec­i­p­ro­cal rela­tion­ship. Now you must move out from your cen­ter and find your­self through the other…

The Sun moves into Libra, into the next Car­di­nal Sign (Begin­nings), into the next Air Sign (Mind). It is time to gath­er with one anoth­er, to com­fort and reas­sure one anoth­er as your days grow short­er, as dark­ness approach­es. You bring your­self, you offer your­self to the oth­er. You seek to be part of some­thing greater, to be not alone…you seek to belong.

You stand at the Great Por­tal, the Bal­ance Beam of life, seek­ing entrance; and so you must be assessed, val­ued, “weighed” on the Scales of Libra. You want to “belong”, to be part of some­thing beyond your­self, to share and be appre­ci­at­ed for what you have to offer. What is your val­ue? What val­ue do you offer? Of course, it is all about the one true val­ue, the price­less treasure…Love.

So you must watch and see how the scales tip, to and fro, as your­self and your deeds are judged. Will you be found wor­thy or want­i­ng, are you ready for that greater rela­tion­ship? You seek the answer, will your con­tri­bu­tion count, can you join in and become part of some­thing greater…do you love your­self, do you love the other…do you belong?

You wait, at the por­tal of the greater life, nev­er alone, but seek­ing out­ward con­fir­ma­tion and acceptance…You seek to dance the dance of life that moves you now, to seek and know that “I and thou” will move togeth­er, now into the becoming…that we are the becoming…together.

Through the por­tal, you and your beloved must dance the dance togeth­er; for you are ones of the One, nev­er alone but always accompanied…You are one of the count­less sparks of the Divine, and you, togeth­er, are the becom­ing that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.
