Sun Square Pluto & Mercury Square Pluto & Mercury Conjunct Sun (September 28, 2011)

Can you feel it? Did you sense some­thing? Oh yes, yes you did! It’s been build­ing for some time now…but now the stars have aligned. You’ve reached a cross­roads, a fork…a real piv­ot point in the ener­gies of the cos­mos. It is a “triple-play” of the Sun, Mer­cury and Plu­to who align with one anoth­er today; you need to lis­ten to their mes­sage, and work with these ener­gies that flow down to work through you, a gift and a chal­lenge from your celes­tial companions.

The Sun square Plu­to reminds you of the pow­er of the will in your life and in the world around you. You are a sacred space that you have estab­lished and main­tain by your will. You jour­ney through the greater space around you that is filled with oth­er will­ing souls. The chal­lenge, always, is to unfold one­self and devel­op ever greater self-con­trol so that you may pro­tect your space while hon­or­ing the sacred space of others.

As the Sun squares Plu­to you may feel as if some­thing or some­one is press­ing upon you, attempt­ing to per­suade or force you to feel, think or do some­thing you do not wish to do. And you must not allow this. Or, it may be you who is attempt­ing to do this, (and prob­a­bly with the best of inten­tions), and so you must stop your­self. For they or you will fail in the end.

Because the only change that holds, the only dif­fer­ence they or you can make will be done will­ing­ly and so freely…by respect­ing, hon­or­ing and lov­ing the sacred spaces of one anoth­er. The only true use of the pow­er of the will, the pur­pose of this test, is so that you may gain greater con­trol over your­self. Use this ener­gy now; turn it back upon your own space and make it stronger, deep­er and so clos­er to your “Self”.

Then it is Mer­cury’s turn to dance with Plu­to. Again you are in a test of wills, but now it is focused upon your mind, upon the words, ideas, beliefs which you use to under­stand and con­nect to the sacred spaces around you. Now it is men­tal pres­sure, mind-stuff that is weigh­ing on you. Either some­one is con­vinced that their view must become yours, or you are the one exert­ing your will upon anoth­er’s mind.

Yes, again the les­son is the same as before. The only con­trol you had, have and will have is “self-con­trol”; every­thing else is illu­sion. For if anoth­er forces you to their way of think­ing, it will not hold because you have not freely accept­ed and inte­grat­ed that point of view. And, if you force anoth­er to your way, you only dimin­ish their will for a time and so make them, (and you in the end), weak­er. Again, use this ener­gy as you should, to gain ever greater con­trol and so depth of your own mind.

Final­ly, Mer­cury aligns with the Sun in what is called the Supe­ri­or Con­junc­tion, since it takes place on the far side of the Sun (for us). It is more like a Full Moon of the mind and so it is a moment of rev­e­la­tion. The mind is Illu­mined by the Sun; har­nessed, focused and intent upon one thing only now…Relationship.

To con­nect with anoth­er, to real­ly under­stand and appre­ci­ate the truth of rela­tion­ship con­scious­ly, is remark­able and hum­bling. When you expe­ri­ence the light of under­stand­ing in the oth­er, be it in a word, phrase, con­cept or that look in their eye, your soul smiles.

Because you have come to under­stand that alone you would know very lit­tle (or less); for it is the very nature of the Men­tal Plane that it is formed, devel­ops and tran­scends its own lim­its by the com­ing togeth­er of more and more, of an ever grow­ing host of count­less minds that form that greater con­scious­ness, the ones of the One.

The know­ing of this is reflect­ed in your lan­guage which hon­ors this greater truth; that very word “Con­scious­ness” is real­ly made up of two words: Togeth­er (Con), Know­ing (Scious­ness). The word con­scious­ness real­ly means Togeth­er Know­ing! What bet­ter image of the align­ment of the Sun and Mer­cury in Libra could you ask for?

The unfold­ment of the pow­ers of your mind, your capac­i­ty to become know­ing, depends upon each oth­er because it is found­ed upon your rela­tion­ship with one anoth­er. This is the rev­e­la­tion of the Sun and Mer­cury now; you know your­self through, with and because of one another.

Cel­e­brate your know­ing, Together!

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