Daily Archives: September 29, 2011

Sun Sextile Mars (September 30, 2011)

Today the Sun and Mars meet, they align in that “sweet spot”, that sacred inter­sec­tion of space and time where poten­tial and real­iza­tion, your promise and the prize have come togeth­er. Today is the day for steady, sure progress…especially with regards to relationship.

The Sun is your pure poten­tial, all that you can ever be in this life; your self-becom­ing is ever unfold­ing as you seek to real­ize your­self in the worlds with­in and around you. Mars is the dynam­ic force of your out­ward reach­ing; it is your inces­sant dri­ve, your desire and aspi­ra­tion to become what you will be.

The prin­ci­ple theme of the Sun in Libra is the mys­tery and won­der of you reach­ing a greater self-aware­ness through and because you reached out to anoth­er; you moved out and yet you moved in to con­nect more deeply with yourself.

Mars in Leo guides the Sun now by remind­ing you that one of the sacred prin­ci­ples of this process is that your moti­va­tions, intents and actions with regard to rela­tion­ship must be formed, guid­ed and so express an over-arch­ing rev­er­ence, respect and love for your­self, the oth­er and that third part of the equa­tion, the space between that forms the “we” of I and thou.

Today is a day to expe­ri­ence this sym­me­try, of right rela­tion­ship found­ed upon right action. The key is respect, for oneself…for the oth­er. You move out with respect from your sacred space to con­nect to the oth­er in their sacred space. And when this is so you are able to cre­ate, con­nect and move into the new­ly sacred space that is “we”.

And then…well, then mag­ic happens!

Venus Conjunct Saturn (September 29, 2011)

It is “Beau­ty meets the Beast” time again. But this time their “Pas de Deux” begins a new cycle for you… It’s their dance of val­ue and form, of love and order…But just like in a New Moon their com­ing togeth­er offers you a new dis­pen­sa­tion, a new mes­sage and inspi­ra­tion for the won­drous, delight­ful expe­ri­ence of being with one another.

Venus is in Libra, her own sign, skip­ping along and rejoic­ing in the delights and diver­sions that beau­ty, and beau­ti­ful rela­tion­ships, bring into your life. The mys­te­ri­ous force that draws you to all and every, that sings through, binds togeth­er and forms the Spaces of Space, is the Foun­tain Source of attrac­tion of one to anoth­er because all are one through the One. It is this shim­mer­ing, glow­ing ener­gy that holds all of cre­ation together…and you expe­ri­ence and know this as Love.

This is the Song of Venus and she is singing it strong­ly now.

Sat­urn, the plan­et of order, respon­si­bil­i­ty and real­i­ty is also sail­ing through Libra. He has brought the need to bear wit­ness, to make clear­er and more objec­tive, the neces­si­ty for prin­ci­ples and rules, for agree­ments and laws, so that each and every par­ty to a rela­tion­ship can be mutu­al­ly assured of what is to be offered and what is to be received. Sat­urn is the voice of tra­di­tion; Sat­urn is rea­son and cau­tion, and seeks to pre­serve and pro­tect what has come to be known, estab­lished and proven to be true so far.

Sat­urn sings the Song of Hon­or, of your respon­si­bil­i­ty to one anoth­er now.

The dance of Venus with Sat­urn reminds you that your rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er is found­ed in love and bound­ed by expe­ri­ence. Venus loves the “beast” Sat­urn for he rep­re­sents the endur­ing forms of love that have been met, mas­tered and passed down in the Ancient Teach­ings, in the wis­dom which helps you to find your way to one anoth­er; and Sat­urn loves and bends his knee to Venus, the beloved, for she holds the promise of love ever­last­ing, of love eter­nal, which is the bea­con and light in the dark­ness, hold­ing you steady, as you jour­ney out and in along the path that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Dance your dance of the plan­ets, dance for ever­last­ing love…