Monthly Archives: September 2011

Sun Enters Libra — The Equinox (September 23, 2011)

You are nev­er alone…ever. But now, now it is time to take anoth­er by their hand, to walk togeth­er, side by side, to face the future that you make togeth­er, to dance the dance of life that is shared, as you become the becoming…

Now comes your time to dance the Dance in Libra.

The wheel is turning…it rolls into a new sea­son, a social sea­son, a time of con­nect­ing to one anoth­er and re-con­nect­ing with your “self”. You have reached the bal­ance point, the tip­ping point, you stand at the Equinoc­tial Moment and you must pause to con­sid­er the life just lived and the life before you.

It is a time of end­ing and a new begin­ning; you have pre­pared your­self while you danced through Vir­go. You cre­at­ed your vir­ginal space with­in and with­out, you made your­self more whole and so more ready for true, rec­i­p­ro­cal rela­tion­ship. Now you must move out from your cen­ter and find your­self through the other…

The Sun moves into Libra, into the next Car­di­nal Sign (Begin­nings), into the next Air Sign (Mind). It is time to gath­er with one anoth­er, to com­fort and reas­sure one anoth­er as your days grow short­er, as dark­ness approach­es. You bring your­self, you offer your­self to the oth­er. You seek to be part of some­thing greater, to be not alone…you seek to belong.

You stand at the Great Por­tal, the Bal­ance Beam of life, seek­ing entrance; and so you must be assessed, val­ued, “weighed” on the Scales of Libra. You want to “belong”, to be part of some­thing beyond your­self, to share and be appre­ci­at­ed for what you have to offer. What is your val­ue? What val­ue do you offer? Of course, it is all about the one true val­ue, the price­less treasure…Love.

So you must watch and see how the scales tip, to and fro, as your­self and your deeds are judged. Will you be found wor­thy or want­i­ng, are you ready for that greater rela­tion­ship? You seek the answer, will your con­tri­bu­tion count, can you join in and become part of some­thing greater…do you love your­self, do you love the other…do you belong?

You wait, at the por­tal of the greater life, nev­er alone, but seek­ing out­ward con­fir­ma­tion and acceptance…You seek to dance the dance of life that moves you now, to seek and know that “I and thou” will move togeth­er, now into the becoming…that we are the becoming…together.

Through the por­tal, you and your beloved must dance the dance togeth­er; for you are ones of the One, nev­er alone but always accompanied…You are one of the count­less sparks of the Divine, and you, togeth­er, are the becom­ing that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.


The Seed of Our Culture: Super Conjunction of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Here is a clip of a radio inter­view from 2010 where I talk about the World Defin­ing Super Con­junc­tion of Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to that hap­pened back around 580–570 BC. It was the last time that Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to came togeth­er in a Grand Con­junc­tion or “New Moon”. It cre­at­ed a Seed­ing or Release of major Spir­it forms for the whole planet.

It was the time of such lumi­nar­ies as Bud­dha, Lao Tzu, Con­fu­cius, Zoroast­er, Pythago­ras and many oth­ers whose wis­dom and influ­ence still guides us today.

I then turn to the more recent Uranus-Nep­tune align­ment of 1989. This con­junc­tion, which last occurred in 1821, will inspire us for the next 170 years. It creates/provides a new artic­u­la­tion or under­stand­ing as we strive to achieve a new bal­ance between the one and the many, between the indi­vid­ual and society.

I will add this clip to the list of clips in the top right col­umn of the blog under Pages.

Radio Interview Clip: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and Spiritual Unfoldment

Here is a clip of a radio inter­view from Feb­ru­ary 2011 where I talk about the role of Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to as the key to under­stand­ing our Spir­i­tu­al Unfoldment:

Uranus, Nep­tune and Pluto

I will also add this clip to my page of radio clips in the right col­umn of the blog.

Questions and Answers (September 19, 2011)

I received the fol­low­ing query from a client and blog read­er. I thought it might be help­ful to share it:

Q: Not sure if I’m sup­posed to be “both­er­ing” you with emails, etc. so please let me know either way! But I want­ed to ask what’s “going on” these days….it seems like every­one is run­ning into obsta­cles left and right  — emo­tion­al over­loads, work issues, tech­nol­o­gy,  etc. In my layman’s terms: What’s bang­ing around up in the heavens?

A: There are no “big” exact align­ments right now, (that would be out­er plan­et to out­er plan­et). The clos­est would be on 10/3 when Mars will Square Jupiter, which is cer­tain­ly strong. But the Sun is com­ing into Libra on Sep­tem­ber 23, (that is the Fall equinox), and will line up with Uranus and then with Plu­to between 9/25 to 9/28, (with a New Moon on the 27th as well). That means they all are form­ing what is called a “T‑Square”, a very strong and stress­ful configuration.

More impor­tant­ly, this ser­i­al align­ment is “acti­vat­ing” the Uranus/Pluto square which is “The BIG” align­ment for 2012–2015. So in that sense it is giv­ing us a pre­view of that his­toric erup­tion of ener­gies, ener­gies we are already feel­ing and will be deal­ing with for some time to come, (and I will be repeat­ed­ly writ­ing and talk­ing about).

There is much to say about this his­toric event, but sim­ply put it is call­ing for a new adjustment/alignment between Individuality/Freedom and Order/Responsibility. The last major align­ment they had, the Con­junc­tion, was the major one of the 1960’s…remember the 60’s? Then you get the idea…but this time it is MORE intense because it is a square!

Prob­a­bly it is this that you and oth­ers are feel­ing, the com­ing of that T‑Square which trig­gers the Uranus/Pluto square.

Q: So basi­cal­ly the acti­va­tion of the Uranus/Pluto square will also be felt at a per­son­al lev­el; that is not just on the eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal fronts? I think the gen­er­al feel­ing I have and oth­ers in my life is that we are NOT in control.

A: Well, of course, we all have lim­it­ed con­trol, always. It is just that the order of things, the real­i­ty we have been mov­ing through and count­ing on con­tin­u­ing, (though it was always chang­ing), is accel­er­at­ing its pace of change now. The par­a­digm is shift­ing and a new world is being born out of the ash­es of the old…but as it does many things become uncertain.

Which is why we need so much to be remind­ed now of the eter­nal truths. It is those truths that have always guid­ed us back upon the mid­dle path, the noble path of spir­i­tu­al truth. Hence my small con­tri­bu­tion as to why I start­ed the blog now…because there is so much need now for calm reas­sur­ance and reminders as to what is most important…

Q: Thank you Bill, and yes, that is exact­ly what I find in your blog, the calm reas­sur­ance and reminder of what is important!

Mars Enters Leo (September 18, 2011)

Mars enters Leo for almost two months, till Novem­ber 11, that’s right till 11/11/11. He is slow­ing down now, and after enter­ing Vir­go Mars will turn ret­ro­grade in Jan­u­ary and stay in Vir­go till July 2012.

While in Can­cer your desires/actions turned towards secu­ri­ty, to mov­ing more inwards; you went div­ing down to secure and pro­tect your cen­ter, your home. But now Mars moves into Fire and you must move out again and release your new­found, new­ly cen­tered self into those self-affirm­ing/­self-exclaim­ing dis­plays of cre­ativ­i­ty, lead­er­ship and love.

You need to act now with more con­fi­dence and style; courage, bold­ness and brava­do, that’s the spirit…it’s time for the lion’s roar (and the roar of the crowd applaud­ing you), that is the expe­ri­ence you seek now. But it all depends on what you learned and secured while Mars was in Cancer…

If you found that truer self at your cen­ter, then as you cre­ate oth­ers will “see” that more authen­tic self in your cre­ation; if you lead, you will turn around and see that they are fol­low­ing you; and if you love uncon­di­tion­al­ly, then you will see it being returned to you by your beloved. But remem­ber, always, you get what you give…you reap what you sow…

You want above all now to have your moti­va­tions, desires, aims, inten­tions and actions, you want them all to be respect­ed by those around you…you want and need respect. There are only 2 require­ments: Do you hold your­self in such regard, do you have self-respect? And, do you accord the oth­ers in your life the same, do you treat them as ones of the One and so with that utmost respect that they deserve as well?

Recog­ni­tion, approval, acknowl­edge­ment and respect…these are the moti­va­tors of your life now (and always). But you must give if you are to receive, give to your­self and to those before you. Are you ready, are you ready to shine?

Time to Create…Time to Lead…Time to Love.…

It is time to Roar like a Lion!