Monthly Archives: September 2011

Venus Square Pluto (September 18, 2011)

Venus is hav­ing quite a week! Hav­ing just encoun­tered Uranus, an align­ment that revealed the deep­er, inte­gral real­i­ty of rela­tion­ship and free­dom, now it is Plu­to’s turn to shape your notions of val­ue, beau­ty and love.

Plu­to rules the Will; it is your willpow­er, your self-con­trol and the prin­ci­ple means by which you estab­lish the sacred space of you. That space, your bound­ed space, estab­lish­es you as a unique soul and so defines you as dis­tinct, spe­cial, indi­vid­ual, “a one”, sep­a­rate from any oth­er being or one.

Venus is what you val­ue, with­in and around your­self which is ulti­mate­ly the val­ue we move, live and exist in known as…Love. You have your space with your val­ues, as any oth­er has their space with their values…and togeth­er you cre­ate the shared space of “We” with your shared values.

In fact, it is those very shared val­ues that are the sub­stance of your rela­tion­ship with any other…it is ulti­mate­ly, of course, Love…the love that is shared. Plu­to brings in the les­son now of Will and Love, of bound­aries and shared space. You as a one must cre­ate your space, the sacred space of you, and you must also cre­ate the shared spaces of rela­tion­ship with the oth­ers in your life.

If you attempt this too will­ful­ly, if you use Plu­to (your will) so over­much that you impose your val­ues upon anoth­er, you then vio­late their spir­i­tu­al integrity…you Tres­pass. You may “have them” in this space, you have “con­trol” (but not love) and so cre­ate a space that is not sacred at all. You “win” but you lose, you dimin­ish your­self and the other…and Kar­ma will bring you back to right this wrong some day.

If you fail to estab­lish your space, if you fail to use Plu­to to cre­ate and main­tain your sacred space and bound­aries, then you may find that the oth­er impos­es their will and val­ues upon you. You do not par­tic­i­pate equal­ly in the cre­ation of the space of “we” and so, again, their Tres­pass brings about the loss of self, for them and you.

To get this right…ah that’s the goal! It is The Dream of all of the ones of the One…It is your des­tiny, it is your Jour­ney in Life-Con­scious-Spir­it. From an unself-con­scious spark of the Divine to a full blown Self-Con­scious Illu­mi­nat­ed One…Oh yes, you will be…That.

Of course, you have a long, long way to go…and, yet you have already come very far…No one can say how much longer you must jour­ney till you will get it right, but you will…and then you will walk on…

For you are one of the ones of the One…With Will and Love you are becom­ing the becoming…Always, now and forever…

…and always with Love.

Venus Opposition Uranus (September 17, 2011)

It’s all about…Balance…To find your way, to walk the noble path, the path that takes you between the extremes of Hot/Cold, Dark/Light, Loud/Quiet, Soft/Hard…and I and Thou!

Venus, the plan­et of Beau­ty and Love, is danc­ing delight­ful­ly, hav­ing just arrived in her own sign of Libra, the sign devot­ed to rela­tion­ship. Uranus, the plan­et of Free­dom and Indi­vid­u­a­tion, is in Aries the sign which is oppo­site to Libra, the sign most devot­ed to self-affirmation.

The dilem­ma posed by Venus oppo­site Uranus now is: How do you bal­ance your need to be freer, to be your­self more tru­ly, with your need to adjust and accom­mo­date to each and every oth­er per­son in your life?

It would seem that the more you give to any oth­er in your rela­tion­ships, the less free­dom you have for your­self; and the more you assert your free­dom to be your­self, the less you will have to offer to your relationships.

But, of course, spir­i­tu­al­ly, this is not true at all. That spe­cious jux­ta­po­si­tion is a false dichoto­my between free­dom and rela­tion­ship. Actu­al­ly, truth­ful­ly, the issue is between healthy and less healthy forms of rela­tion­ship; the oppor­tu­ni­ty is offered here to see rela­tion­ship as it must tru­ly be.

If you believe that you are “per­fect­ly free” when you are per­fect­ly alone, then you are liv­ing in denial of the most fun­da­men­tal real­i­ty, that we all are ones of the One. In fact, you are not free at all when you assert this; you are just alone, plain and sim­ple, and there is no free­dom at all in that, (nor can it be, it is just your illusion).

Free­dom is a social expe­ri­ence that is found­ed upon the rela­tion­ship of two or more souls who under­stand, believe in and sup­port one anoth­er as they each attempt to become the becom­ing. Free­dom is the expe­ri­ence of each under­stand­ing who the oth­er is and cel­e­brat­ing “that”, encour­ag­ing “that”, and cre­at­ing a space for each of them to become more of “that”. True free­dom, Spir­i­tu­al Free­dom, is not free­dom “from” but free­dom “to be”, to be self-becom­ing, to become That.

Cel­e­brate this oppo­si­tion of Venus and Uranus which reminds you that your true self can only become by unfold­ing itself in a space with oth­ers. Free­dom through rela­tion­ship is Free­dom because it cel­e­brates your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty while it hon­ors the truth that you are one of the ones of The One.

You are the self-becom­ing, you are that…and you are nev­er alone.

Venus Enters Libra (September 14, 2011)

Venus comes home, home to her own sign of Libra until Octo­ber 9. For the last 3 weeks Venus was in Vir­go, so you have been par­tic­u­lar about what (and who) you like, want or need. Now with Aphrodite danc­ing in Libra, you will re-affirm those aes­thet­ic and social val­ues which bridge, hold and con­nect you one to another…now more than ever.

Phys­i­cal­ly, your tastes in col­or, shape, sound and taste will be enhanced and made more enjoy­able. Reds will be bold­er, curves more invit­ing, music more delight­ful and foods more deli­cious. Tru­ly this is a time to cel­e­brate the beau­ty in and around you!

But even more, since Venus now moves through Air, your social val­ues and sen­si­bil­i­ties will become the mea­sure of mean­ing in your life. Bal­ance and har­mo­ny between one anoth­er is what you seek; it is time to start or grow, heal or adjust and so advance the qual­i­ty and nature of your relationships…

Now is the time to sim­ply enjoy the warmth and com­fort of con­nect­ing with each oth­er; to affirm the Truth that your jour­ney is joined with a great com­pa­ny of fel­low pil­grims, who seek, as do you, to hear those mag­ic words, “I love you”.

Yes, it is good, it is very, very good indeed to…

Love one another.

Mercury Trine Jupiter (September 14, 2011)

Think­ing BIG is reward­ed today. Your mind is shaped, guid­ed and stead­ied by your prin­ci­ples; the stars align and your inten­tions match your mes­sage. This is the day to pro­mote your goals, make deci­sions and exude the con­fi­dence that brings results!

Mer­cury, the mes­sen­ger, is wing­ing his way through Vir­go where every lit­tle detail counts; Jupiter is hold­ing court in Tau­rus, pro­vid­ing a wel­come sup­port found­ed upon the con­stan­cy of your true val­ues. Those true val­ues are root­ed in the endur­ing truths and prin­ci­ples that have and will always guide you on your journey.

At times you get lost in the whirl of thoughts danc­ing in your mind; and at oth­er times you extend out so far that you lose touch with what is real­ly real.

But today, today you can think bold­ly, con­vey clear­ly and accom­plish much because you are focused and inspired; you are on the noble path, the path of right inten­tion, think­ing and action.

Right Thinking…Right Action…Right Results

It is a Good Day!

Virgo Full Moon (September 12, 2011)

Take out your Scythe of Dis­cern­ment…Now you must cut away what must be let go…Now you will har­vest what you have learned…The wheel of life is turn­ing, ever rolling on to your future, the future you are mak­ing today. You have plant­ed well; now you must pre­pare for what is to come, for “Win­ter is Com­ing”!

Known as the “Har­vest Moon”, the Vir­go Full Moon (Sun in Vir­go, Moon in Pisces) rep­re­sents the piv­ot point in the Zodi­ac. You must look with­in and under­stand what you have so far learned, about the life with­in and the life with­out. You are the micro­cosm in the macro­cosm; the Ancient Teach­ings pro­claim, “as above, so below” and you seek to know your­self for it is the one true key to the Uni­verse around you.

You are prepar­ing to enter the sec­ond half of the Cir­cle of Life that begins in Libra. Before you can pass the Equinox­al Por­tal you must become whole, com­plete and made ready for your beloved. The pas­sage in Vir­go has brought you to a fin­er, detailed under­stand­ing; you see the many trees, but do you see the forest?

That is what the Moon in Pisces reflects to you now, that your ordered life is part of a greater order, a pageant of unfold­ing ener­gies in the uni­verse around you. You move through a phys­i­cal realm that rein­forces the sense that you are sep­a­rate, apart from any and all oth­ers; and so you may become lost.

But now there is an answer, you were always part of some­thing greater, you were nev­er alone. The Intu­itive Vision of Pisces lifts you up with the “know­ing” that the great­est illu­sion is separation.

The One, the Ever­last­ing Truth is that all are part of one great life, innu­mer­able sparks of the Great Flame that is Spir­it. It is “That”, the One, who has lit and resides in every spir­it. You are the shin­ing host who move like a great com­pa­ny of can­dles, on this jour­ney through the cos­mos that is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, self-becom­ing, ever-unfold­ing out and in.

You are one, we are one…

…and togeth­er we are build­ing this uni­verse for the One.

So be it.