Monthly Archives: October 2011

Mercury Square Neptune (November 1, 2011)

Now it is Her­mes turn to dance in those mir­rored Halls of Wonder…Neptune’s Mag­i­cal Mys­tery tour is com­ing to your mind…There is going to be some mis­per­cep­tion, and some mis­un­der­stand­ing here…but that is only the sideshow, because this is real­ly for you, it is a gift, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow beyond the bound­aries that kept you from the greater truth that is always around that next spi­ral turn…

Mer­cury is wind­ing down his div­ing-deep­er, his jour­ney through Scor­pio is almost done, and he’s clos­ing in but not quite catch­ing Venus before he piv­ots ’round in Novem­ber. Your mind has been prob­ing fur­ther, to peel back lay­ers of assump­tion, fol­low­ing a hunch, a feel­ing to go beyond the ordi­nary, beyond those mere­ly sur­face appear­ances and so reach that under­world, that hid­den realm which reveals the deep­er real­i­ty behind the screen of your day to day. You may have found some­thing greater, had your “Eure­ka!” moment…

But Nep­tune adds her Mys­ti­cal Touch now…And you will find that there is a need to pause and recon­sid­er what you have dis­cov­ered, and you may feel, yes there is some­thing going on here, an altered state, a shift­ing of the light…you have a touch of doubt, a greater uncertainty…oh yes, there is even con­fu­sion in the air.

And, of course, that is exact­ly what you need, to ques­tion, to wonder…to throw a dif­fer­ent light upon the dis­cov­er­ies before you…for this is the way it has always been done, “The Work” that is the mak­ing of your Greater Aware­ness. You move from lev­el to lev­el, to an ever clos­er com­pre­hen­sion of what “That” is…and you do it by means of this mys­tic spi­ral dance of Con­scious­ness, that part of you who is for­ev­er seek­ing to encom­pass the real­i­ty with­in and without.

Cer­tain­ty” sure has a nice ring to it, yes it sounds nice, it is reas­sur­ing and a seem­ing com­fort­able place to be…but it is great­ly over-rat­ed and real­ly unable to hold. Because you are spir­it on a quest; your jour­ney is a con­tin­u­ous, unfold­ing and nev­er-end­ing expan­sion of con­scious­ness and there is noth­ing for it but to keep mov­ing on, into the greater mystery.

You cycle into a new state of aware­ness, a new under­stand­ing, and you set your­self down into your new certainty…and it holds for a time. But a dif­fer­ent light is cast, Nep­tune helps by shift­ing the shad­ow-plays, and doubt is born. You move from cer­tain­ty to questioning…and so you look again, you make adjustments…and all seems well again for a time.

But even­tu­al­ly, and this is good, the adjust­ments are not enough the shift­ing shad­ows are too great, and ques­tion­ing leads to greater doubts, which leads to deep­er confusion…and, final­ly, the release from the old is found in your Dis­il­lu­sion­ment. That is pre­cise­ly what is need­ed of you, to become freer, to be dis-illu­sioned and so “lose” your illusions!

This is the nec­es­sary path you must walk, into this dark­ness (for a time)…for it is this mys­tery, it is this pas­sage that must be made to release the seeds of your new under­stand­ing, a re-align­ment of your mind…To the “Ah Hah!” of your next Illumination…

Now you take that next spi­ral turn in your jour­ney from an unself-con­scious spark of the divine…

You move that much clos­er to becoming…the becoming.

Venus Square Neptune (October 31, 2011)

As the veil becomes ever thin­ner, between this near­er realm and those beyond, you are giv­en anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­solve away the less­er and dis­cov­er some­thing greater, to ques­tion what is of val­ue with­in you and what is of val­ue between us.

Venus is fin­ish­ing up her sojourn in Scor­pio, where your expe­ri­ence of depths and pas­sions, your unions and trans­for­ma­tions, have moved you fur­ther into the mys­tery that is found between “I” and “Thou”.

To reach that cross­ing point, to tru­ly form that spe­cial “we” has required much of one anoth­er; you have sac­ri­ficed for each oth­er, giv­ing up the less­er val­ues to cre­ate the greater shared. But a dan­ger is always there, that you might go too far, sur­ren­der what makes you “you”, and so achieve the “we” only to lose yourself.

Nep­tune in Aquar­ius pro­vides a way to under­stand, to form the nec­es­sary coun­ter­point; she offers a gen­tle reminder that the whole point of mov­ing into a greater, more con­scious rela­tion­ship beyond your­self was real­ly so that you would come that much clos­er to yourself!

Nep­tune in Aquar­ius sings the song of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty that is born from, finds its life in and remains faith­ful through friend­ship; that the way to your­self is met in fel­low­ship, it is found­ed and formed by your com­pan­ions who jour­ney with you, out­ward and inward on this riv­er of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Nep­tune reminds you now that the sac­ri­fice required of you was to give up the less­er and not “true to you” val­ues that you might have been attached to…those periph­er­al val­ues were instead lead­ing you away from your authen­tic path of self-real­iza­tion. By mov­ing into Union, by that fric­tion­al engage­ment with the oth­er, you each forced the oth­er to con­front the ques­tion “what is more me and what is less me?”…and choose.

If you were attempt­ing this with some­one whose essen­tial val­ues were not aligned with your own, there is no way it would not end in self-denial and loss. The greater effort you made, the more you sac­ri­ficed, the more you would dimin­ish your­self, lose your­self and the oth­er too.

Instead, there must exist a core of shared val­ues that you come togeth­er upon, some already present val­ues (and many wait­ing to be re-dis­cov­ered), which form that shin­ing sil­ver chord of com­pan­ion­ship (forged long ago) that is re-awak­ened and ener­gized by your return to one anoth­er. For this is not the first time, nor the last, and the love that is there is waiting…

Then, with this endur­ing love, you can each turn from the periph­er­al, sac­ri­fice those less­er attach­ments, while you hon­or the greater with­in and between you. The mys­tery is revealed as you each become more your­self in and through one anoth­er than you ever could by your­selves alone…

Today, cel­e­brate the mys­tery of your jour­ney to your­self that is found through the hearts of one another…

Let go of your less­er sense of your­self and dis­cov­er the greater wait­ing to be real­ized in the beau­ty, majesty and mys­tery of your tran­scen­dent life of being one of the ones of the One.

Love your­self, love one another…and repeat.

Jupiter Trine Pluto (October 28, 2011)

Jove meets Hades and the arche­types are stir­ring in your soul. Jupiter rules your Truths and Beliefs; Plu­to rules Will and the Pow­er of Trans­for­ma­tion. This Plu­ton­ian pow­er is part of your Tri­par­tite spir­i­tu­al poten­tial; and this most pre­cious Triple Gift of Spir­it is the foun­tain-source of you becom­ing more than your con­di­tion­ing. These gifts of the Spir­it, exem­pli­fied and car­ried by Uranus-Nep­tune-Plu­to, cre­ate a quick­en­ing through plan­e­tary ini­ti­a­tion, and offer you a steep­er and sur­er path as you jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

It is has been said, passed down from “mouth to ear”, that the real unfold­ment of your soul’s jour­ney, your real and True Evo­lu­tion, does not pro­ceed from or orig­i­nate in the phys­i­cal plane. It does not come from the cell and its muta­tions, or from some com­pe­ti­tion of life forms with each oth­er. The Ancient Teach­ings affirm that your unfold­ment, growth and jour­ney from uncon­scious spark of the Divine to full Divine Con­scious­ness, comes from, orig­i­nates in and is dri­ven by Spir­it and the unfold­ment of your essen­tial nature. All these oth­er agents of change and trans­for­ma­tion are deriv­a­tives of the pow­er that surges through each and every one of the ones of the One.

Today is the sec­ond of the three align­ments of Jupiter trine Plu­to. The first align­ment was in ear­ly July, and the last will occur in March of 2012. You are always expe­ri­enc­ing these gifts of the Spir­it bestowed by your plan­e­tary com­pan­ions. Today’s offer­ing is here to re-ener­gize the Immor­tal Bridge between realms tem­po­ral and sub­lime, between what is and what will always be. That shin­ing arch, like a bridge of light, will burn brighter and span the space between your present prin­ci­ples and truths to those ever-present, ever-resur­gent Arche­types which under­lie the All.

The present truths that you have come to embrace, that give your life mean­ing, form and guid­ance, your Laws of Life, your philoso­phies, beliefs and reli­gion were forged from a mighty gold­en chain of expe­ri­ence that con­nects you with every oth­er one who has walked this path of becom­ing the becom­ing. The source or core of all those lessons learned and re-learned are the ever-renew­ing, ever-resur­gent Arche­types of Spir­it that have been named by some as the “Col­lec­tive Unconscious”.

These seed-forms are ruled by Plu­to which serves to cre­ate the bound­aries, the spaces of space for Spir­it, Mind and Mat­ter. In cycle after cycle the great truths are released and become man­i­fest­ed in the Teach­ings, Philoso­phies and Reli­gions that form and guide your jour­ney. But over time those forms becomes rigid, truths become dog­ma and the Ancient Wis­dom becomes obscured as the shad­ows deepen.

It is at such a time as this that Spir­it answers, mov­ing to fill the void by a release of renewed Arche­typ­al mean­ing. Plu­to brings to bear those Seed-Forms which burn away the accu­mu­lat­ed dross and reveal again the Spir­it behind the form.

And, at the most impor­tant turn­ing points, in the dark­est of hours, a teacher is always sent forth, an Avatar whose task it is to repair the bridge between heav­en and earth. And for a time it is a Gold­en Age once more…but then you for­get, as we have forgotten…

Many look now for a sign, for the Emissary…you look for the turn­ing and seek to find your way out of the darkness…you look for the cross­ing into the light.

It is here, it is now…

Sun Opposition Jupiter (October 28, 2011)

Today is also the cli­max of the year­ly Sun/Jupiter cycle. What began as the promise of new boun­ti­ful­ness in April, and faced nec­es­sary adjust­ments in August, now reach­es its moment of rev­e­la­to­ry epiphany. This can be a moment (for some) of great exten­sions and expan­sions of self real­ized, a time of ful­fill­ment. But it will also, and more like­ly be, a moment (for many) that coun­ter­pos­es what was the promised intent ver­sus the less than hoped for accomplished.

The Sun is your pure poten­tial, the foun­tain-source for your becom­ing the becom­ing. Jupiter is your Truth, your prin­ci­ples which shape and guide how you will relate in this world. Quite lit­er­al­ly, the Sun oppo­site Jupiter means that you may feel that you are at odds with your­self today…you lit­er­al­ly “don’t relate to your­self”! What does that mean?

Your unfold­ment of self, your growth and expan­sion is nev­er ceas­ing yet it can­not and will not pro­ceed in a “straight” line. Your cycling ’round is more like a spi­ral dance that swirls and twists, up and down, in and out. You will find your­self in moments that seem remark­able, shin­ing and full of glo­ry and won­der. But these will be fol­lowed, as they must be shad­owed, by the work you have yet to fin­ish. For though you have come very far it does not take much to real­ize, as you look around your world…that there is much to be done.

So, today is for look­ing back at what you hoped to be and accom­plish in this lat­est round of the Sun and Jupiter…and to real­ize that though progress has been made, with­in and with­out, you still have far to go…always.

This moment is here to show you, to help you under­stand, how much you have become in this half of the Solar Circuit…so much and yet so much still to do. But the oth­er half of the cycle beck­ons, this spi­ral turn is not done with you yet. So you do what you must do…

You walk on…

Mercury Square Mars (October 28, 2011)

Are you think­ing first, or are you just act­ing? Or, are you think­ing too much, and so fail­ing to act in a time­ly man­ner? That is the issue today as Mer­cury rul­ing your mind, thoughts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Mars rul­ing your desires, dri­ves and actions are seem­ing­ly at odds with one another.

Mer­cury in Scor­pio is look­ing to probe beneath the sur­face and dig up what is hid­den; yet Mars in Leo is moti­vat­ed by what is respect­ful and respectable. Do you go deep­er and risk the expo­sure of your­self or anoth­er, per­haps to be true to your­self yet risk the hon­or and respect of some­one else, or your­self? Or do you act respect­ful­ly, with deco­rum and def­er­ence, while inside you churn and chafe over what greater “truth” you have left unsaid?

It is not easy to know what is right or “more right” here. But Mars is the “heavy”, the weight­i­er plan­et in this encounter, and so you should or must act with hon­or and respect­ful­ness. To find and stay on the path of self-ful­fill­ment you should always fol­low the gold­en rule of “First, do no harm”.

With­out ques­tion, your mind and spir­it are quick­ened today so a good approach would be to take even more time to think things through. Do not push your­self or anoth­er into hasty deci­sions or actions. Though excit­ing, dar­ing or bril­liant as they may appear or feel…it could all lead to less by your desire to impress or be appreciated.

Most impor­tant and always remem­ber that the most impor­tant part of com­mu­ni­ca­tion is…To Listen…to the oth­er (and to your own high­er self).

Retain your enthu­si­asm, but you need to lose your impa­tience if you want to dis­play your bril­liance today.