Mars Square Jupiter (October 3, 2011)

When Mars squares off with Jupiter the ques­tion becomes are you act­ing right­eous­ly or self-right­eous­ly? How can you tell? Well, if it is the for­mer, your actions are guid­ed, gov­erned and direct­ed by your high­er, intu­itive under­stand­ing of what is not mere­ly good for you or a few but for the many. If the lat­ter, well, then you are just try­ing to jus­ti­fy what might be in the end plain, self­ish self-inter­est (and that lit­tle voice in your head, the one you are attempt­ing to ignore, is telling you that this will not turn out well).

Mars is charg­ing through Leo, and so you may strive over­much to pur­sue and push your ideals, to grab the prize (and the spot­light). But as a result you could aim so high that what was pos­si­ble, doable or rea­son­able becomes sac­ri­ficed on the altar of unre­al­is­tic, over-reach­ing ide­al­ism. The pur­suit of the per­fect becomes the down­fall of the achievable.

Jupiter, in Tau­rus, is attempt­ing to rein in Mars by bind­ing him back to sol­id, proven, and depend­able val­ues, to help you ground and curb the fer­vor of Mars’ ide­al­ism. Jupiter (Prin­ci­ples) is remind­ing Mars (Desires) that it is not enough to pas­sion­ate­ly act to right wrongs (or slay dragons).

First you must make sure that you have turned this pas­sion­ate ide­al­ism inward to exam­ine your real moti­va­tions; is your con­science clear, (and back­ing you up, are you lis­ten­ing to that “inner voice”)? And, have you aligned your­self not just with uni­ver­sal ideals but also sound prac­tices? Both steps require you acknowl­edge that act­ing alone, with­out the sup­port and con­straint of oth­ers will lead to less than ide­al results.

For then you must gaze out­ward to be sure that what­ev­er you are seek­ing to accom­plish is well received by your com­pan­ions and com­mu­ni­ty, that they are in agree­ment that your aim is true and your cause their cause.

One indi­vid­ual act­ing alone can accom­plish some­thing, cer­tain­ly, but when two or more are gath­ered togeth­er in com­mon inten­tion, linked by mind and heart in caused-found­ed action…well then more than some­thing is pos­si­ble. For this is the way home, the way of the Spirit…This is how you become the becom­ing, together.

This is the shap­ing that Jupiter offers your actions today. You are right to act to bring about what is truer, fin­er and good…But that is some­thing that you alone can­not ascer­tain or accom­plish. Your desire must be tem­pered with Wis­dom, the Wis­dom which is impart­ed by both the calm voice with­in and also by your trav­el­ling com­pan­ions, those ones of the One who strive with you to make a bet­ter world…Together.

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