Daily Archives: October 5, 2011

Mercury Conjunct Saturn (October 6, 2011)

Attention…Serious Think­ing Ahead!

Your “mind meets mat­ter” as Mer­cury aligns with Saturn…It’s like a New Moon for thoughts, for that seri­ous side of your mind. It her­alds new begin­nings and a real­i­ty check about proven and reli­able “facts”, of what you per­ceive, con­sid­er and com­mu­ni­cate as regards your reality.

Her­mes has been pre­oc­cu­pied with the delights of com­par­ing, shar­ing and con­nect­ing your thoughts with one anoth­er. Now Sat­urn brings to bear a reminder that right think­ing is right when it is respon­si­ble; that your thoughts (and deeds) need to be ordered by those fun­da­men­tal val­ues, prin­ci­ples and truths that cre­ate thought­ful, car­ing conditions…Conditions that are just and mea­sured, con­di­tions that are premised on the under­stand­ing that all must be treat­ed fair­ly, equitably…lovingly.

Right think­ing means to accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you cre­ate; for your thoughts are pow­er­ful, and what­ev­er you offer up or put out there will ulti­mate­ly return to you their author. To think seri­ous­ly, to think respon­si­bly means to under­stand that you have the pow­er to cre­ate the world, to cre­ate the real­i­ty that you will encounter in your future.

Every thought, every word and deed that you offer up will tip the bal­ance, those scales of Libra, one way or the oth­er. It is up to you to choose: self­less or self­ish, car­ing or careless…it is up to you.

Now think…