Attention…Serious Thinking Ahead!
Your “mind meets matter” as Mercury aligns with Saturn…It’s like a New Moon for thoughts, for that serious side of your mind. It heralds new beginnings and a reality check about proven and reliable “facts”, of what you perceive, consider and communicate as regards your reality.
Hermes has been preoccupied with the delights of comparing, sharing and connecting your thoughts with one another. Now Saturn brings to bear a reminder that right thinking is right when it is responsible; that your thoughts (and deeds) need to be ordered by those fundamental values, principles and truths that create thoughtful, caring conditions…Conditions that are just and measured, conditions that are premised on the understanding that all must be treated fairly, equitably…lovingly.
Right thinking means to accept responsibility for what you create; for your thoughts are powerful, and whatever you offer up or put out there will ultimately return to you their author. To think seriously, to think responsibly means to understand that you have the power to create the world, to create the reality that you will encounter in your future.
Every thought, every word and deed that you offer up will tip the balance, those scales of Libra, one way or the other. It is up to you to choose: selfless or selfish, caring or careless…it is up to you.
Now think…
„Hi„this part is total I like in Spanish…
Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.