Daily Archives: October 8, 2011

Venus Enters Scorpio (October 9, 2011)

It is time, time to go deep­er, into the mys­tery and the wonder…you approach the beloved… you enter the union…two become one, the sacred, mys­ti­cal mar­riage of Sun and Moon…There beyond the bound­aries of your lim­it­ed self…where the veil is lifted…and you encounter the deep­er truth of your­self in the other.

Venus moves into Scor­pio for three weeks and the urgent, insis­tent ener­gies of attrac­tion are hold­ing sway. It is not enough to be side by side anymore…now your jour­ney must cross the bound­ary, between the known and unknown. Now the mys­tery beck­ons and the promise of immor­tal­i­ty is whis­pered, offered…For when two become one, when that “Illu­sion­al Divi­sion” is crossed, well that is when it happens…and you know, you just know that this is your moment of revelation.

You are approach­ing the greater real­i­ty, that binds one to all and all in One. That Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love are the ever re-occur­ring forms of the one true Real­i­ty. Find­ing its sub­stance in a form, but only for a while…for Spir­it must con­tin­ue to grow, con­nect and become by mov­ing beyond each form after a time…as must you.

And so you under­stand, how very pre­cious this moment is…that when two meet again and see past their forms, you move beyond the veil and so per­ceive the end­less lives before and beyond where you have met and will meet again.

This moment of con­nec­tion, this union now, is but a dimmed but won­der­ful reminder; that there is no sep­a­ra­tion, for you are always one of the ones whose greater real­i­ty is your jour­ney togeth­er in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.