Hermes is about to leave those airy realms of Libra, where objectivity, balance and intellect hold sway…he’s diving down, into deeper waters, into those mysterious depths of Scorpio…so it is more than appropriate, in fact it is quite fortuitous, that Neptune, also known as Poseidon, imparts this gentle blessing to ease this transition from the cerebral to your intuitive mind.
Neptune rules your imagination, it is the fountain source for your ability to dissolve those necessary boundaries you formed to frame your space…because you need ever always, after a time, to move beyond and beyond to your next, greater space of understanding.
Today, Neptune’s gift for Mercury imparts a heightened intuition, a subtilizing sensibility which encourages you to perceive, think and convey without those blinders now…and so you slip beyond the rigid certainties of yesterdays and today.
You can see beyond those old assumptions…you let go, re-imagine and discover a new reality, a world beyond.…and you laugh, and smile and remember…this is how, this is the way…to dream, to believe…this is how you become the becoming.