Mercury Trine Neptune (October 12, 2011)

Her­mes is about to leave those airy realms of Libra, where objec­tiv­i­ty, bal­ance and intel­lect hold sway…he’s div­ing down, into deep­er waters, into those mys­te­ri­ous depths of Scorpio…so it is more than appro­pri­ate, in fact it is quite for­tu­itous, that Nep­tune, also known as Posei­don, imparts this gen­tle bless­ing to ease this tran­si­tion from the cere­bral to your intu­itive mind.

Nep­tune rules your imag­i­na­tion, it is the foun­tain source for your abil­i­ty to dis­solve those nec­es­sary bound­aries you formed to frame your space…because you need ever always, after a time, to move beyond and beyond to your next, greater space of understanding.

Today, Nep­tune’s gift for Mer­cury imparts a height­ened intu­ition, a sub­tiliz­ing sen­si­bil­i­ty which encour­ages you to per­ceive, think and con­vey with­out those blind­ers now…and so you slip beyond the rigid cer­tain­ties of yes­ter­days and today.

You can see beyond those old assumptions…you let go, re-imag­ine and dis­cov­er a new real­i­ty, a world beyond.…and you laugh, and smile and remember…this is how, this is the way…to dream, to believe…this is how you become the becoming.

3 thoughts on “Mercury Trine Neptune (October 12, 2011)

  1. ouwishunu

    How might this height­ened intu­tion effect some­one who might have a men­tal dis­or­der such as Bi-polar? Or a Gem­i­ni who is ruled by Mercury?

  2. Bill Attride

    Two very dif­fer­ent questions:
    One could hope that the inspi­ra­tion from Nep­tune could help a per­son more strong­ly con­nect to their “high­er mind” and so reduce the emo­tion­al-men­tal cycling of the Bi-polar con­di­tion. The high­er mind is the vehi­cle for cen­ter­ing, focus­ing, “mak­ing more still” the low­er mind’s ten­den­cy to be jump­ing and flit­ting from one thing to anoth­er, which is only accen­tu­at­ed when there is such a con­di­tion present.
    For Gem­i­ni (or for Vir­gos) it would cre­ate, as it does for all since we all have Mer­cury as our Mind or Men­tal ruler, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect more with our cre­ative, imag­i­na­tive mind. It would be a won­der­ful time to appre­ci­ate “the spir­it” in most any­thing, a sun­rise or sun­set, a great work of art…or to pierce through a prob­lem or task and find a unique or insight­ful, to come up with an ele­gant solution.
    Hope that helps…


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