Daily Archives: October 12, 2011

Mercury Enters Scorpio (October 13, 2011)

Mer­cury plunges down, down into the depths of Scor­pio till Novem­ber 2. Your mind is drawn towards the mys­ter­ies of life, to puz­zling out secrets with­in and with­out. You seek to go beyond mere appear­ances and dis­cov­er the under­ly­ing truth.

But then the ques­tion becomes…what do you do with this knowl­edge, will you, should you share this secret with anoth­er? Well, that depends, of course. Some­times a rev­e­la­tion or dis­cov­ery is for you, and you were made ready for it.

Often­times the oth­er is not and to bring it to their atten­tion might not be wise or kind. Here it is best to fol­low the injunc­tion that applies equal­ly to knowl­edge as it does to med­i­cine, “First, do no harm!”

If you sense that they might be ready to ben­e­fit from your dis­cov­ery, approach the sub­ject with care, cau­tion and con­sid­er­a­tion. Remem­ber, just as Scor­pio cre­ates this pro­found desire for a deep­er union with the oth­er, (and so brings about this greater desire to share with one anoth­er), that same eager­ness to divulge a secret may bring about the oppo­site result, instead of a clos­er bond you may instead be faced with rejec­tion and loss.

What should be your guide? If your desire and inten­tion is per­son­al, if it is for your­self because you hope to gain a clos­er tie by reveal­ing this secret, well then it will not turn out well. If, instead, your moti­va­tion is imper­son­al, that you seek only to help anoth­er and resolve a prob­lem for them and you, then you may be able to serve the cause of truth by illu­mi­nat­ing the path for one another.

As the ancient teach­ing has it, “Be wise as a serpent…and gen­tle as a dove”!