Venus Opposition Jupiter (October 14, 2011)

Venus (Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love) meets up with Jupiter (Prin­ci­ples, Belief and Truth) in their year­ly oppo­si­tion or “Full Moon”…Today, you stand between these two, and you might, you just might reach an Epiphany…You can feel the pull to one and to the other…And if you hold still, if you can keep to the mid­dle way, you may be ready for a rev­e­la­tion about the rela­tion­ship between what you want (Venus) and what you relate to (Jupiter).

When­ev­er you encounter an oppo­si­tion, it will seem as if life is throw­ing down a chal­lenge, that you must choose between one way or the oth­er… and it seems obvi­ous, that both can­not be true or good, and so it’s either one side or the oth­er, right? 

But of course you have learned, for it is the heart and soul-song of your jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit…You have come to under­stand that there is but one true path, the Roy­al Road of Spir­it, your path­way home. The Mid­dle Way ris­es above the appar­ent dichotomies of exis­tence, these shad­owed forms that spring from the appar­ent First Divide, of Spir­it and Mat­ter as the oppo­si­tion under­ly­ing all the oppo­sites, the Roy­al Path sees them all and Laughs! Because, in the end.…one and all have all come from THAT, which can­not be named or defined because it is with­out limit. 

So now you face the chal­lenge not to choose again…to find and hold to the Greater Real­i­ty and so see that the real illu­sion is this appar­ent separation…that here and always both Venus and Jupiter are equal­ly speak­ing to truth, and you must hold them togeth­er to live the Truth.

Venus mov­ing through Scor­pio is pulling you into the Union, to the tran­scen­dence of your lim­it­ed “I” so that you may form the more pre­cious “We”. To do so you must sur­ren­der, let go and grow, relin­quish cer­tain, per­son­al forms of val­ue for ones that you can share. Venus in Scor­pio speaks to the truth that ulti­mate­ly noth­ing is “per­ma­nent”.

Jupiter in Tau­rus responds with the affir­ma­tion that there are endur­ing, ever­last­ing val­ues that you must hold to in order to be true to your­self, that you must have, hold and express your own val­ue, to relate as you were des­tined to be…because, after all, you are one of the ones of the One…and the truth of you, the gold­en cord and core of you is…Immortal.

The Epiphany today, the rev­e­la­tion of now, is that both Venus and Jupiter are right. The Truths of Jupiter, those Per­ma­nent Val­ues are and will always be…yet the forms of their man­i­fes­ta­tion, those beau­ties of Venus, must be con­stant­ly evolv­ing, devel­op­ing, chang­ing and final­ly pass away, so that they may lat­er return in a new-formed form…for noth­ing that is com­pos­ite, that is “formed”, is for­ev­er in that form.

Jupiter and Venus are danc­ing their dance of Spir­it and Mat­ter, of Mor­tal­i­ty and Immor­tal­i­ty, of Love and Truth…and this is your dance too.

So cel­e­brate and enjoy the beau­ti­ful sun­set, dance while it may last…but do not mourn its passing…for beau­ty will be born anew as you turn around to sing your wel­comes to a bright new day.

Dance your dance for Love and Truth…

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