Daily Archives: October 16, 2011

Mercury Opposition Jupiter (October 17, 2011)

Her­mes is oppo­site Jove and you need to see how you are work­ing that bal­ance between your Induc­tive and Deduc­tive powers.

Your nev­er end­ing efforts to come up with solu­tions to the prob­lems of life involve the dynam­ic inter­play of these two aspects of your mind. Mer­cury, rul­ing Gem­i­ni and Vir­go, gov­erns your abil­i­ty to build from the many up to the one, to gath­er data points, ana­lyze, cat­e­go­rize, con­trast, com­pare and build up the very infor­ma­tion from which you even­tu­al­ly devel­op your the­o­ries, con­cepts and solu­tions. Jupiter, rul­ing Sagit­tar­ius and Pisces, gov­erns the abil­i­ty to start from those the­o­ries and con­cepts, to start from that Vision, from the One, and build down to the many, as you attempt to apply any exist­ing solu­tion to the prob­lem you are now faced with.

Ide­al­ly, your “low­er” and “high­er” mind work togeth­er, back and forth as in a dance, devel­op­ing data points, net­works and under­stand­ings that are dynam­ic, adapt­able and ele­gant. But some­times, like today, you hit a “bump”; today you may push too far or too hard, so there is the need to step out­side of your­self, to cor­rect or resolve a misunderstanding.

Mer­cury is in Scor­pio now and seeks to go beyond mere appear­ances to the spaces “in between”, to pas­sion­ate­ly delve deep­er, to give or lay down a chal­lenge to the ordi­nary or expect­ed and there­by reveal some deep­er, some yet undis­cov­ered piece of infor­ma­tion, and maybe, just maybe, poten­tial­ly chal­lenge an exist­ing thought-form of your world…but if so, is this dis­cov­ery enough?

Jupiter in Tau­rus is hold­ing firm, cer­tain in those Truths and Prin­ci­ples which have stood for ages and ages, that have proven their worth again and again. Those Teach­ings have been passed down from time immemo­r­i­al, to be as sen­tinels, the steady guides to steer your pas­sage from dark­ness into light.

Jupiter will chal­lenge, or rein in, the doubt and skep­ti­cism of Mer­cury now…and until proven oth­er­wise, Mer­cury must yield. Until there is more exten­sive con­fir­ma­tion, until there is more “proof”, you must or should wait. Let the fer­vor or fever subside…

Per­haps your infor­ma­tion, dis­cov­ery or real­iza­tion will work with­in, yet may add to or move for­ward, the exist­ing struc­ture of what is known and know­able. Maybe it will lead to a more sub­stan­tial change, but for now you must lis­ten to the Ancient Teach­ings which will always steer you back upon the mid­dle path.

You need to stay upon that steady, hum­ble and bal­anced path which will lead you to and is based upon the Greater Under­stand­ing. This path is found­ed upon the truth of your jour­ney in Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, that the more you come to know, the more you come to real­ize how much you still need to learn. As always the injunc­tion giv­en at every stage in your jour­ney will always be, “Walk on”.

Walk the path of Under­stand­ing, walk the Path of Humility.