You have turned the corner of the Astrological Year, you have rounded ’round and met the other in those airy realms of Libra; you have taken one another by the hand and agreed to the beginning of “I and thou”, you have thought it through with one another and come to a mutual understanding or agreement…But it is not enough, not nearly enough, and so it is that following every Cardinal Sign, those eager Signs of Beginnings, comes this Fixed phase of the Four seasonal cycles…And, it is this part of your journey that will take you down into your deepest depths, where you will face the greatest challenges and reap the greatest rewards.
And, it is said, there is no deeper depth, no greater mystery, than the one you will face and reap in your time of Scorpio. You move back into Water here, you move with feeling and emotion, but different than in Cancer which was about finding your center within, of securing yourself to your Self.
Now you are moving out, out to the other (and inward to yourself). You are seeking to connect, to join, to support and be supported, to overcome that greatest pain in your journey, of separation and aloneness (which is, after all, your greatest illusion and comes from your “reality” of being encased in your mortal shell).
You feel the longing to become more than you alone; you seek to be two together who will act as one and so form the greater we. It is here you that you enter those realms of mystery, of moving beyond the world of shadows of separate selves to the greater truth, the hidden (occult) reality. You must move beyond your own bounded space so to form that sacred shared space of “us”. This deepest depth excites you and scares you like nothing else; and it requires nothing less than Courage, Faith and Sacrifice.
Courage is first, for you must dare to extend yourself to one another. To express your need and offer to meet their need, takes courage. For you have been here before, you “remember” the pain, that they may say “no”, and what we might have won was answered with rejection. Or it might be you who holds back, who dares not enough, who acts out of fear and thereby, in effect, rejects yourself. So from those old memories of failure and loss, you might hold back and miss the promise, you might not create the gift of “we”. Courage is there to move you beyond and into the greater…
Faith is needed to create the foundations for your courage; Faith is needed to form that sacred space of “us”; and Faith is that special “gift of the Spirit” that makes it possible for you to move beyond the pain and doubt of those countless attempts and believe, to really believe that maybe this time might be that time. Faith is your spirit extending itself into the space beyond yourself, to give birth to, to co-create the shared space that is waiting for you and the beloved. Your faith is revealed by the extension of your trust and your willingness to take a risk, to put yourself in that space of vulnerability, which is part of the third step you must take to open the way to becoming one with another…
Because as much as Courage and Faith may bring you to the threshold, you will not pass, you cannot find your way, without Sacrifice. For every transition, every step in your journey has required a sacrifice. This word is a most beautiful word for it simply means “To Make Sacred”. To make a sacrifice means that you give up the lesser in order that you may honor and so move into the greater. And there is no greater gift than this, to break the illusion of aloneness, to come to closer to the truth that All are One…this fundamental truth will now be reflected in the mirror of you and you who become the “we”.
To move into the union, to be one with another, requires the giving up, (constantly and continuously) of the lesser things in your life…but you will gain so, so much more. For you will find that in this combination, in the conjunction of I and Thou, there comes the power of transformation of yourself and your world. And, wonder of wonders, you will come to know what is truly you and what is not or no longer you. So that in the end, as you move out to meet the other, to join with the other in your created, shared space, as you do this you encounter the deeper gift, the pearl of great price now revealed…you meet your “Self”.
You enter Scorpio, the wheel has turned, the days are getting shorter, the light of day is waning, (so that the light within may be more easily found). Turn to that light with Courage, Faith and Sacrifice as you move into your becoming, as you quicken your ascent in the journey that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.