New Moon in Scorpio (October 26, 2011)

It is time to cross the divide between I and thou, to push beyond the lim­its of your mor­tal shell, to move clos­er to a realm sublime…Yes it is true, this is when the veil is thin­ner, when the worlds with­in worlds, of spaces between, of with­in and with­out become translu­cent. It is now in your jour­ney that you are asked and enabled to take that next step, to move into and beyond, to join in fuller mea­sure with one, two or many others. 

The Eighth Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal year arrives now so to release those seed-forms, those inspi­ra­tions, new poten­tials and chal­lenges for Union in the year ahead. Your jour­ney has always been lead­ing to this, to become more than just a one, to become one of the ones of the One. To join togeth­er, remain­ing true to your self…yet dis­cov­er­ing, extend­ing, trans­form­ing one anoth­er in the jour­ney that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

The path of self-unfold­ment, of self-dis­cov­ery and trans­for­ma­tion is quick­ened now by the fric­tion­al process of com­bi­na­tion with one anoth­er. You need to join togeth­er, to syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly mul­ti­ply one anoth­er’s poten­tial, to gain and give sup­port to one anoth­er. But in doing so you must meet on the field of val­ues and deter­mine what you will cleave to and what you will sur­ren­der, what you will hon­or and what you must sacrifice.

And to the extent that you have entered into such a com­bi­na­tion with those whose core val­ues are more like your own, to that same extent you will sac­ri­fice the periph­er­al val­ues of one anoth­er while hon­or­ing, expand­ing and bring­ing to greater real­iza­tion the core val­ues that you share. More­over, that very process of fric­tion­al dis­cern­ment will lead to even greater self-under­stand­ing; that by mov­ing clos­er to one anoth­er you will para­dox­i­cal­ly come that much clos­er to your true self.

If instead you have attempt­ed to main­tain or enter into a union which does not have those req­ui­site, sacred core val­ues bind­ing you to one anoth­er, then there is prob­a­bly no pow­er on heav­en or earth which can hold you togeth­er. Instead of hon­or­ing and expand­ing that core you will become entan­gled in the emp­ty world of periph­er­al val­ues and the cen­ter will not hold.

Or it may be that you had entered togeth­er, bond­ed well and true, but over time hav­ing devel­oped dif­fer­ent­ly, you have moved away from those core prin­ci­ples and so must part…for as the Bud­dha reminds us there is noth­ing com­pos­ite that will last…

This is the expe­ri­ence of Scor­pio that you move through now.…That the Great, Undy­ing and Ever­last­ing Truths and Val­ues are ever present and yet their forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion must ever change. Your uni­verse is both Change­less and Ever-Chang­ing; and this is the fun­da­men­tal dilem­ma you face as a Spir­it in this World of Mat­ter. You wish to hold, but must let go, you wish to stay but must walk on.…but you will return, you will come this way again…and again. 

Cel­e­brate your new begin­ning in Scor­pio, bow down to the Eter­nal while danc­ing your Tem­po­ral Tan­go. It is your spi­ral dance of Birth, Death and Re-Birth; it is the one true path, your won­drous jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

Dance and sing your Sun-Song…for you are here to wit­ness and co-cre­ate this promise, this time of end­ings and new beginnings…You stand at the thresh­old, an age is pass­ing and a new world is dawning.…again.

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