Sun Opposition Jupiter (October 28, 2011)

Today is also the cli­max of the year­ly Sun/Jupiter cycle. What began as the promise of new boun­ti­ful­ness in April, and faced nec­es­sary adjust­ments in August, now reach­es its moment of rev­e­la­to­ry epiphany. This can be a moment (for some) of great exten­sions and expan­sions of self real­ized, a time of ful­fill­ment. But it will also, and more like­ly be, a moment (for many) that coun­ter­pos­es what was the promised intent ver­sus the less than hoped for accomplished.

The Sun is your pure poten­tial, the foun­tain-source for your becom­ing the becom­ing. Jupiter is your Truth, your prin­ci­ples which shape and guide how you will relate in this world. Quite lit­er­al­ly, the Sun oppo­site Jupiter means that you may feel that you are at odds with your­self today…you lit­er­al­ly “don’t relate to your­self”! What does that mean?

Your unfold­ment of self, your growth and expan­sion is nev­er ceas­ing yet it can­not and will not pro­ceed in a “straight” line. Your cycling ’round is more like a spi­ral dance that swirls and twists, up and down, in and out. You will find your­self in moments that seem remark­able, shin­ing and full of glo­ry and won­der. But these will be fol­lowed, as they must be shad­owed, by the work you have yet to fin­ish. For though you have come very far it does not take much to real­ize, as you look around your world…that there is much to be done.

So, today is for look­ing back at what you hoped to be and accom­plish in this lat­est round of the Sun and Jupiter…and to real­ize that though progress has been made, with­in and with­out, you still have far to go…always.

This moment is here to show you, to help you under­stand, how much you have become in this half of the Solar Circuit…so much and yet so much still to do. But the oth­er half of the cycle beck­ons, this spi­ral turn is not done with you yet. So you do what you must do…

You walk on…

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