Venus Square Neptune (October 31, 2011)

As the veil becomes ever thin­ner, between this near­er realm and those beyond, you are giv­en anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­solve away the less­er and dis­cov­er some­thing greater, to ques­tion what is of val­ue with­in you and what is of val­ue between us.

Venus is fin­ish­ing up her sojourn in Scor­pio, where your expe­ri­ence of depths and pas­sions, your unions and trans­for­ma­tions, have moved you fur­ther into the mys­tery that is found between “I” and “Thou”.

To reach that cross­ing point, to tru­ly form that spe­cial “we” has required much of one anoth­er; you have sac­ri­ficed for each oth­er, giv­ing up the less­er val­ues to cre­ate the greater shared. But a dan­ger is always there, that you might go too far, sur­ren­der what makes you “you”, and so achieve the “we” only to lose yourself.

Nep­tune in Aquar­ius pro­vides a way to under­stand, to form the nec­es­sary coun­ter­point; she offers a gen­tle reminder that the whole point of mov­ing into a greater, more con­scious rela­tion­ship beyond your­self was real­ly so that you would come that much clos­er to yourself!

Nep­tune in Aquar­ius sings the song of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty that is born from, finds its life in and remains faith­ful through friend­ship; that the way to your­self is met in fel­low­ship, it is found­ed and formed by your com­pan­ions who jour­ney with you, out­ward and inward on this riv­er of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Nep­tune reminds you now that the sac­ri­fice required of you was to give up the less­er and not “true to you” val­ues that you might have been attached to…those periph­er­al val­ues were instead lead­ing you away from your authen­tic path of self-real­iza­tion. By mov­ing into Union, by that fric­tion­al engage­ment with the oth­er, you each forced the oth­er to con­front the ques­tion “what is more me and what is less me?”…and choose.

If you were attempt­ing this with some­one whose essen­tial val­ues were not aligned with your own, there is no way it would not end in self-denial and loss. The greater effort you made, the more you sac­ri­ficed, the more you would dimin­ish your­self, lose your­self and the oth­er too.

Instead, there must exist a core of shared val­ues that you come togeth­er upon, some already present val­ues (and many wait­ing to be re-dis­cov­ered), which form that shin­ing sil­ver chord of com­pan­ion­ship (forged long ago) that is re-awak­ened and ener­gized by your return to one anoth­er. For this is not the first time, nor the last, and the love that is there is waiting…

Then, with this endur­ing love, you can each turn from the periph­er­al, sac­ri­fice those less­er attach­ments, while you hon­or the greater with­in and between you. The mys­tery is revealed as you each become more your­self in and through one anoth­er than you ever could by your­selves alone…

Today, cel­e­brate the mys­tery of your jour­ney to your­self that is found through the hearts of one another…

Let go of your less­er sense of your­self and dis­cov­er the greater wait­ing to be real­ized in the beau­ty, majesty and mys­tery of your tran­scen­dent life of being one of the ones of the One.

Love your­self, love one another…and repeat.

One thought on “Venus Square Neptune (October 31, 2011)

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