Daily Archives: October 31, 2011

Mercury Square Neptune (November 1, 2011)

Now it is Her­mes turn to dance in those mir­rored Halls of Wonder…Neptune’s Mag­i­cal Mys­tery tour is com­ing to your mind…There is going to be some mis­per­cep­tion, and some mis­un­der­stand­ing here…but that is only the sideshow, because this is real­ly for you, it is a gift, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow beyond the bound­aries that kept you from the greater truth that is always around that next spi­ral turn…

Mer­cury is wind­ing down his div­ing-deep­er, his jour­ney through Scor­pio is almost done, and he’s clos­ing in but not quite catch­ing Venus before he piv­ots ’round in Novem­ber. Your mind has been prob­ing fur­ther, to peel back lay­ers of assump­tion, fol­low­ing a hunch, a feel­ing to go beyond the ordi­nary, beyond those mere­ly sur­face appear­ances and so reach that under­world, that hid­den realm which reveals the deep­er real­i­ty behind the screen of your day to day. You may have found some­thing greater, had your “Eure­ka!” moment…

But Nep­tune adds her Mys­ti­cal Touch now…And you will find that there is a need to pause and recon­sid­er what you have dis­cov­ered, and you may feel, yes there is some­thing going on here, an altered state, a shift­ing of the light…you have a touch of doubt, a greater uncertainty…oh yes, there is even con­fu­sion in the air.

And, of course, that is exact­ly what you need, to ques­tion, to wonder…to throw a dif­fer­ent light upon the dis­cov­er­ies before you…for this is the way it has always been done, “The Work” that is the mak­ing of your Greater Aware­ness. You move from lev­el to lev­el, to an ever clos­er com­pre­hen­sion of what “That” is…and you do it by means of this mys­tic spi­ral dance of Con­scious­ness, that part of you who is for­ev­er seek­ing to encom­pass the real­i­ty with­in and without.

Cer­tain­ty” sure has a nice ring to it, yes it sounds nice, it is reas­sur­ing and a seem­ing com­fort­able place to be…but it is great­ly over-rat­ed and real­ly unable to hold. Because you are spir­it on a quest; your jour­ney is a con­tin­u­ous, unfold­ing and nev­er-end­ing expan­sion of con­scious­ness and there is noth­ing for it but to keep mov­ing on, into the greater mystery.

You cycle into a new state of aware­ness, a new under­stand­ing, and you set your­self down into your new certainty…and it holds for a time. But a dif­fer­ent light is cast, Nep­tune helps by shift­ing the shad­ow-plays, and doubt is born. You move from cer­tain­ty to questioning…and so you look again, you make adjustments…and all seems well again for a time.

But even­tu­al­ly, and this is good, the adjust­ments are not enough the shift­ing shad­ows are too great, and ques­tion­ing leads to greater doubts, which leads to deep­er confusion…and, final­ly, the release from the old is found in your Dis­il­lu­sion­ment. That is pre­cise­ly what is need­ed of you, to become freer, to be dis-illu­sioned and so “lose” your illusions!

This is the nec­es­sary path you must walk, into this dark­ness (for a time)…for it is this mys­tery, it is this pas­sage that must be made to release the seeds of your new under­stand­ing, a re-align­ment of your mind…To the “Ah Hah!” of your next Illumination…

Now you take that next spi­ral turn in your jour­ney from an unself-con­scious spark of the divine…

You move that much clos­er to becoming…the becoming.