Monthly Archives: October 2011

New Moon in Scorpio (October 26, 2011)

It is time to cross the divide between I and thou, to push beyond the lim­its of your mor­tal shell, to move clos­er to a realm sublime…Yes it is true, this is when the veil is thin­ner, when the worlds with­in worlds, of spaces between, of with­in and with­out become translu­cent. It is now in your jour­ney that you are asked and enabled to take that next step, to move into and beyond, to join in fuller mea­sure with one, two or many others. 

The Eighth Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal year arrives now so to release those seed-forms, those inspi­ra­tions, new poten­tials and chal­lenges for Union in the year ahead. Your jour­ney has always been lead­ing to this, to become more than just a one, to become one of the ones of the One. To join togeth­er, remain­ing true to your self…yet dis­cov­er­ing, extend­ing, trans­form­ing one anoth­er in the jour­ney that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

The path of self-unfold­ment, of self-dis­cov­ery and trans­for­ma­tion is quick­ened now by the fric­tion­al process of com­bi­na­tion with one anoth­er. You need to join togeth­er, to syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly mul­ti­ply one anoth­er’s poten­tial, to gain and give sup­port to one anoth­er. But in doing so you must meet on the field of val­ues and deter­mine what you will cleave to and what you will sur­ren­der, what you will hon­or and what you must sacrifice.

And to the extent that you have entered into such a com­bi­na­tion with those whose core val­ues are more like your own, to that same extent you will sac­ri­fice the periph­er­al val­ues of one anoth­er while hon­or­ing, expand­ing and bring­ing to greater real­iza­tion the core val­ues that you share. More­over, that very process of fric­tion­al dis­cern­ment will lead to even greater self-under­stand­ing; that by mov­ing clos­er to one anoth­er you will para­dox­i­cal­ly come that much clos­er to your true self.

If instead you have attempt­ed to main­tain or enter into a union which does not have those req­ui­site, sacred core val­ues bind­ing you to one anoth­er, then there is prob­a­bly no pow­er on heav­en or earth which can hold you togeth­er. Instead of hon­or­ing and expand­ing that core you will become entan­gled in the emp­ty world of periph­er­al val­ues and the cen­ter will not hold.

Or it may be that you had entered togeth­er, bond­ed well and true, but over time hav­ing devel­oped dif­fer­ent­ly, you have moved away from those core prin­ci­ples and so must part…for as the Bud­dha reminds us there is noth­ing com­pos­ite that will last…

This is the expe­ri­ence of Scor­pio that you move through now.…That the Great, Undy­ing and Ever­last­ing Truths and Val­ues are ever present and yet their forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion must ever change. Your uni­verse is both Change­less and Ever-Chang­ing; and this is the fun­da­men­tal dilem­ma you face as a Spir­it in this World of Mat­ter. You wish to hold, but must let go, you wish to stay but must walk on.…but you will return, you will come this way again…and again. 

Cel­e­brate your new begin­ning in Scor­pio, bow down to the Eter­nal while danc­ing your Tem­po­ral Tan­go. It is your spi­ral dance of Birth, Death and Re-Birth; it is the one true path, your won­drous jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit…

Dance and sing your Sun-Song…for you are here to wit­ness and co-cre­ate this promise, this time of end­ings and new beginnings…You stand at the thresh­old, an age is pass­ing and a new world is dawning.…again.

Sun Enters Scorpio (October 23, 2011)

You have turned the cor­ner of the Astro­log­i­cal Year, you have round­ed ’round and met the oth­er in those airy realms of Libra; you have tak­en one anoth­er by the hand and agreed to the begin­ning of “I and thou”, you have thought it through with one anoth­er and come to a mutu­al under­stand­ing or agreement…But it is not enough, not near­ly enough, and so it is that fol­low­ing every Car­di­nal Sign, those eager Signs of Begin­nings, comes this Fixed phase of the Four sea­son­al cycles…And, it is this part of your jour­ney that will take you down into your deep­est depths, where you will face the great­est chal­lenges and reap the great­est rewards.

And, it is said, there is no deep­er depth, no greater mys­tery, than the one you will face and reap in your time of Scor­pio. You move back into Water here, you move with feel­ing and emo­tion, but dif­fer­ent than in Can­cer which was about find­ing your cen­ter with­in, of secur­ing your­self to your Self.

Now you are mov­ing out, out to the oth­er (and inward to your­self). You are seek­ing to con­nect, to join, to sup­port and be sup­port­ed, to over­come that great­est pain in your jour­ney, of sep­a­ra­tion and alone­ness (which is, after all, your great­est illu­sion and comes from your “real­i­ty” of being encased in your mor­tal shell).

You feel the long­ing to become more than you alone; you seek to be two togeth­er who will act as one and so form the greater we. It is here you that you enter those realms of mys­tery, of mov­ing beyond the world of shad­ows of sep­a­rate selves to the greater truth, the hid­den (occult) real­i­ty. You must move beyond your own bound­ed space so to form that sacred shared space of “us”. This deep­est depth excites you and scares you like noth­ing else; and it requires noth­ing less than Courage, Faith and Sacrifice.

Courage is first, for you must dare to extend your­self to one anoth­er. To express your need and offer to meet their need, takes courage. For you have been here before, you “remem­ber” the pain, that they may say “no”, and what we might have won was answered with rejec­tion. Or it might be you who holds back, who dares not enough, who acts out of fear and there­by, in effect, rejects your­self. So from those old mem­o­ries of fail­ure and loss, you might hold back and miss the promise, you might not cre­ate the gift of “we”. Courage is there to move you beyond and into the greater…

Faith is need­ed to cre­ate the foun­da­tions for your courage; Faith is need­ed to form that sacred space of “us”; and Faith is that spe­cial “gift of the Spir­it” that makes it pos­si­ble for you to move beyond the pain and doubt of those count­less attempts and believe, to real­ly believe that maybe this time might be that time. Faith is your spir­it extend­ing itself into the space beyond your­self, to give birth to, to co-cre­ate the shared space that is wait­ing for you and the beloved. Your faith is revealed by the exten­sion of your trust and your will­ing­ness to take a risk, to put your­self in that space of vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, which is part of the third step you must take to open the way to becom­ing one with another…

Because as much as Courage and Faith may bring you to the thresh­old, you will not pass, you can­not find your way, with­out Sac­ri­fice. For every tran­si­tion, every step in your jour­ney has required a sac­ri­fice. This word is a most beau­ti­ful word for it sim­ply means “To Make Sacred”. To make a sac­ri­fice means that you give up the less­er in order that you may hon­or and so move into the greater. And there is no greater gift than this, to break the illu­sion of alone­ness, to come to clos­er to the truth that All are One…this fun­da­men­tal truth will now be reflect­ed in the mir­ror of you and you who become the “we”.  

To move into the union, to be one with anoth­er, requires the giv­ing up, (con­stant­ly and con­tin­u­ous­ly) of the less­er things in your life…but you will gain so, so much more. For you will find that in this com­bi­na­tion, in the con­junc­tion of I and Thou, there comes the pow­er of trans­for­ma­tion of your­self and your world. And, won­der of won­ders, you will come to know what is tru­ly you and what is not or no longer you. So that in the end, as you move out to meet the oth­er, to join with the oth­er in your cre­at­ed, shared space, as you do this you encounter the deep­er gift, the pearl of great price now revealed…you meet your “Self”.

You enter Scor­pio, the wheel has turned, the days are get­ting short­er, the light of day is wan­ing, (so that the light with­in may be more eas­i­ly found). Turn to that light with Courage, Faith and Sac­ri­fice as you move into your becom­ing, as you quick­en your ascent in the jour­ney that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Sun Trine Neptune (October 21, 2011)

Would you like to slip beyond the bounds of nor­mal space…to touch those realms of super­nal light…to reach inward and out­ward and walk into the won­der, into the dreams that you will make true? Well, then today is your day!

The Sun rules your pure poten­tial that is seek­ing to be made real; Nep­tune rules your dreams, your vision…your path­way to illu­mi­na­tion. Today the Sun and Nep­tune align so as to cre­ate a shin­ing chord, a lumi­nous bridge from the realms of imag­i­na­tion that will lift and inspire your next step in the end­less jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Today is a day to appre­ci­ate the con­nect­ed­ness of all life…the morn­ing dew that catch­es your eye and reminds you of…; those soar­ing, inter­wo­ven har­monies of sounds and sights and smells and tastes that makes your skin “tin­gle”; that spe­cial sense of tru­ly shar­ing, of being one with that spe­cial one…

Today is a day to cel­e­brate nature or to go to a art muse­um or to be with those to whom you mat­ter and who mat­ter to you…Today is a day for being tru­ly one with Spirit…

And you are…

Radio Interview Clip: Gifts of the Spirit from Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

How Uranus, Nep­tune and Plu­to pro­vide the means to quick­en our self-unfold­ment. The shift of ener­gies in 2011 and beyond that will lead to a new age. The role of Uranus is to open our minds so that we may find new path­ways; the role of Nep­tune is to reaf­firm our sacred con­nec­tion to one anoth­er; and then it is Plu­to’s role to pro­vide the will which cre­ates, main­tains and trans­forms our sacred spaces. All three out­er plan­ets are bring­ing their spe­cial gifts to us now.

The major force for our quick­en­ing at this time is the align­ment from 2012–2015 between Uranus and Plu­to, form­ing their wax­ing square. This is the next great step in their cycle of trans­for­ma­tion which began in the mid-1960’s. It is lead­ing to the end of an age and the dawn­ing of a new one in the 2020’s.

Mercury Opposition Jupiter (October 17, 2011)

Her­mes is oppo­site Jove and you need to see how you are work­ing that bal­ance between your Induc­tive and Deduc­tive powers.

Your nev­er end­ing efforts to come up with solu­tions to the prob­lems of life involve the dynam­ic inter­play of these two aspects of your mind. Mer­cury, rul­ing Gem­i­ni and Vir­go, gov­erns your abil­i­ty to build from the many up to the one, to gath­er data points, ana­lyze, cat­e­go­rize, con­trast, com­pare and build up the very infor­ma­tion from which you even­tu­al­ly devel­op your the­o­ries, con­cepts and solu­tions. Jupiter, rul­ing Sagit­tar­ius and Pisces, gov­erns the abil­i­ty to start from those the­o­ries and con­cepts, to start from that Vision, from the One, and build down to the many, as you attempt to apply any exist­ing solu­tion to the prob­lem you are now faced with.

Ide­al­ly, your “low­er” and “high­er” mind work togeth­er, back and forth as in a dance, devel­op­ing data points, net­works and under­stand­ings that are dynam­ic, adapt­able and ele­gant. But some­times, like today, you hit a “bump”; today you may push too far or too hard, so there is the need to step out­side of your­self, to cor­rect or resolve a misunderstanding.

Mer­cury is in Scor­pio now and seeks to go beyond mere appear­ances to the spaces “in between”, to pas­sion­ate­ly delve deep­er, to give or lay down a chal­lenge to the ordi­nary or expect­ed and there­by reveal some deep­er, some yet undis­cov­ered piece of infor­ma­tion, and maybe, just maybe, poten­tial­ly chal­lenge an exist­ing thought-form of your world…but if so, is this dis­cov­ery enough?

Jupiter in Tau­rus is hold­ing firm, cer­tain in those Truths and Prin­ci­ples which have stood for ages and ages, that have proven their worth again and again. Those Teach­ings have been passed down from time immemo­r­i­al, to be as sen­tinels, the steady guides to steer your pas­sage from dark­ness into light.

Jupiter will chal­lenge, or rein in, the doubt and skep­ti­cism of Mer­cury now…and until proven oth­er­wise, Mer­cury must yield. Until there is more exten­sive con­fir­ma­tion, until there is more “proof”, you must or should wait. Let the fer­vor or fever subside…

Per­haps your infor­ma­tion, dis­cov­ery or real­iza­tion will work with­in, yet may add to or move for­ward, the exist­ing struc­ture of what is known and know­able. Maybe it will lead to a more sub­stan­tial change, but for now you must lis­ten to the Ancient Teach­ings which will always steer you back upon the mid­dle path.

You need to stay upon that steady, hum­ble and bal­anced path which will lead you to and is based upon the Greater Under­stand­ing. This path is found­ed upon the truth of your jour­ney in Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, that the more you come to know, the more you come to real­ize how much you still need to learn. As always the injunc­tion giv­en at every stage in your jour­ney will always be, “Walk on”.

Walk the path of Under­stand­ing, walk the Path of Humility.