Monthly Archives: October 2011

Venus Enters Scorpio (October 9, 2011)

It is time, time to go deep­er, into the mys­tery and the wonder…you approach the beloved… you enter the union…two become one, the sacred, mys­ti­cal mar­riage of Sun and Moon…There beyond the bound­aries of your lim­it­ed self…where the veil is lifted…and you encounter the deep­er truth of your­self in the other.

Venus moves into Scor­pio for three weeks and the urgent, insis­tent ener­gies of attrac­tion are hold­ing sway. It is not enough to be side by side anymore…now your jour­ney must cross the bound­ary, between the known and unknown. Now the mys­tery beck­ons and the promise of immor­tal­i­ty is whis­pered, offered…For when two become one, when that “Illu­sion­al Divi­sion” is crossed, well that is when it happens…and you know, you just know that this is your moment of revelation.

You are approach­ing the greater real­i­ty, that binds one to all and all in One. That Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love are the ever re-occur­ring forms of the one true Real­i­ty. Find­ing its sub­stance in a form, but only for a while…for Spir­it must con­tin­ue to grow, con­nect and become by mov­ing beyond each form after a time…as must you.

And so you under­stand, how very pre­cious this moment is…that when two meet again and see past their forms, you move beyond the veil and so per­ceive the end­less lives before and beyond where you have met and will meet again.

This moment of con­nec­tion, this union now, is but a dimmed but won­der­ful reminder; that there is no sep­a­ra­tion, for you are always one of the ones whose greater real­i­ty is your jour­ney togeth­er in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Venus Trine Neptune (October 7, 2011)

As Venus pre­pares to leave her home sign of Libra, there is an offer­ing, a gen­tle caress and a numi­nous kiss impart­ed by her high­er octave, the lord of dreams…Neptune.

Venus, the ruler of val­ue, beau­ty and love is about to move into the deep­er spaces of Scor­pio, beyond mere rela­tion­ship, into the mys­tery that is the union with one’s beloved. Per­haps to pre­pare the way, to lift that veil between self and the oth­er, Nep­tune brush­es Venus now with whis­pers of won­der, with inspi­ra­tion from beyond more lim­it­ing expe­ri­ences, reach­ing towards the greater realms of self-affirm­ing yet self-tran­scend­ing love.

For true love is found­ed upon this greater real­i­ty that Nep­tune abides in, that all of cre­ation, all life and all of space, is held togeth­er as ones of the One from which and through which all are related.

You have always looked into the eyes of the beloved with your aware­ness cen­tered in your per­son­al self, (with your Venus). And, you will always find your trea­sure is before you, that the beloved is some­thing to be desired, is need­ed and loved in that per­son­al way.

But at the same time, on a more inef­fa­ble plane of expe­ri­ence, your true, eter­nal soul-self pierces beyond these shad­owed glo­ries, beyond these less­er forms, because it beholds the star that shines within…and it is that same star that shines with­in you and you and you.

This rev­e­la­tion, this Nep­tun­ian vision, is the self-tran­scend­ing love which binds this entire cos­mos togeth­er; it gath­ers, holds and leads you onward in the one great life that is your jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

And as you jour­ney, upon the star­ry arc of descent and ascent, you will always seek and ever find the reflect­ed, less­er cousin of ever­last­ing love in the eyes of the beloved before you…and you will know, and you will smile…because it is so very, very good to feel…Love.

Mercury Conjunct Saturn (October 6, 2011)

Attention…Serious Think­ing Ahead!

Your “mind meets mat­ter” as Mer­cury aligns with Saturn…It’s like a New Moon for thoughts, for that seri­ous side of your mind. It her­alds new begin­nings and a real­i­ty check about proven and reli­able “facts”, of what you per­ceive, con­sid­er and com­mu­ni­cate as regards your reality.

Her­mes has been pre­oc­cu­pied with the delights of com­par­ing, shar­ing and con­nect­ing your thoughts with one anoth­er. Now Sat­urn brings to bear a reminder that right think­ing is right when it is respon­si­ble; that your thoughts (and deeds) need to be ordered by those fun­da­men­tal val­ues, prin­ci­ples and truths that cre­ate thought­ful, car­ing conditions…Conditions that are just and mea­sured, con­di­tions that are premised on the under­stand­ing that all must be treat­ed fair­ly, equitably…lovingly.

Right think­ing means to accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you cre­ate; for your thoughts are pow­er­ful, and what­ev­er you offer up or put out there will ulti­mate­ly return to you their author. To think seri­ous­ly, to think respon­si­bly means to under­stand that you have the pow­er to cre­ate the world, to cre­ate the real­i­ty that you will encounter in your future.

Every thought, every word and deed that you offer up will tip the bal­ance, those scales of Libra, one way or the oth­er. It is up to you to choose: self­less or self­ish, car­ing or careless…it is up to you.

Now think…  

Mars Square Jupiter (October 3, 2011)

When Mars squares off with Jupiter the ques­tion becomes are you act­ing right­eous­ly or self-right­eous­ly? How can you tell? Well, if it is the for­mer, your actions are guid­ed, gov­erned and direct­ed by your high­er, intu­itive under­stand­ing of what is not mere­ly good for you or a few but for the many. If the lat­ter, well, then you are just try­ing to jus­ti­fy what might be in the end plain, self­ish self-inter­est (and that lit­tle voice in your head, the one you are attempt­ing to ignore, is telling you that this will not turn out well).

Mars is charg­ing through Leo, and so you may strive over­much to pur­sue and push your ideals, to grab the prize (and the spot­light). But as a result you could aim so high that what was pos­si­ble, doable or rea­son­able becomes sac­ri­ficed on the altar of unre­al­is­tic, over-reach­ing ide­al­ism. The pur­suit of the per­fect becomes the down­fall of the achievable.

Jupiter, in Tau­rus, is attempt­ing to rein in Mars by bind­ing him back to sol­id, proven, and depend­able val­ues, to help you ground and curb the fer­vor of Mars’ ide­al­ism. Jupiter (Prin­ci­ples) is remind­ing Mars (Desires) that it is not enough to pas­sion­ate­ly act to right wrongs (or slay dragons).

First you must make sure that you have turned this pas­sion­ate ide­al­ism inward to exam­ine your real moti­va­tions; is your con­science clear, (and back­ing you up, are you lis­ten­ing to that “inner voice”)? And, have you aligned your­self not just with uni­ver­sal ideals but also sound prac­tices? Both steps require you acknowl­edge that act­ing alone, with­out the sup­port and con­straint of oth­ers will lead to less than ide­al results.

For then you must gaze out­ward to be sure that what­ev­er you are seek­ing to accom­plish is well received by your com­pan­ions and com­mu­ni­ty, that they are in agree­ment that your aim is true and your cause their cause.

One indi­vid­ual act­ing alone can accom­plish some­thing, cer­tain­ly, but when two or more are gath­ered togeth­er in com­mon inten­tion, linked by mind and heart in caused-found­ed action…well then more than some­thing is pos­si­ble. For this is the way home, the way of the Spirit…This is how you become the becom­ing, together.

This is the shap­ing that Jupiter offers your actions today. You are right to act to bring about what is truer, fin­er and good…But that is some­thing that you alone can­not ascer­tain or accom­plish. Your desire must be tem­pered with Wis­dom, the Wis­dom which is impart­ed by both the calm voice with­in and also by your trav­el­ling com­pan­ions, those ones of the One who strive with you to make a bet­ter world…Together.