Daily Archives: November 1, 2011

Venus Enters Sagittarius & Mercury Enters Sagittarius (November 2, 2011)

You are in for a dou­ble dose of shift­ing ener­gies today as Venus and Mer­cury are mak­ing their moves into Sagittarius…no doubt about it, you are going to feel different!

Venus dances into Sagit­tar­ius for about the next 3 weeks and your appre­ci­a­tion turns away from those deep­er, hid­den secrets that you shared with one another…you turn, togeth­er, to face out­ward because you seek for a dis­tant horizon.

In Scor­pio what mat­tered most was for you to move clos­er togeth­er, to go inward and cre­ate a more intense, pas­sion­ate con­nec­tion. But now you are in “Fire” and you need to go beyond the beyond, to cross bor­ders, to take your delight as you explore new worlds togeth­er. The thrill of dis­cov­ery, of reach­ing the far­ther shore is what you need to share now.

Dis­tant lands beck­on, oth­er times, oth­er places and oth­er peo­ple refresh and renew your soul. The free­dom to dis­cov­er one anoth­er in new spaces is what Sagit­tar­ius seeks, the free­dom to grow beyond one­self and dis­cov­er some­thing greater with and through one another…this is the promise and hope of true part­ner­ship now as you trav­el with your com­pan­ion on a great adventure…together!

Mer­cury too makes his move into the Archer’s realm, but his stay will be much longer (he is going ret­ro­grade soon) and so will not move onto Capri­corn till the sec­ond week of Jan­u­ary. That’s a long, long time to be expand­ing your men­tal horizons…but what an opportunity!

In Scor­pio you peeled back many lay­ers to reach the deep­er core of the mys­tery. But now you are in the Ide­al­is­tic Halls of Fire, in the realms of Truth and Phi­los­o­phy, of Sci­ence and Reli­gion. Now your mind needs to con­sid­er how what you have found fits with­in a larg­er context…you seek to con­nect your expe­ri­ence to a frame­work of mean­ing and understanding.

You need to dip into the Well of Wis­dom to explain your sto­ry to yourself…and you need to add your sto­ry, your dis­cov­er­ies, to that very same Wis­dom-Well too. For this is how we jour­ney and help one anoth­er. We share our insights, com­pare and con­trast the expe­ri­ences and build up a Library of Truth about our­selves and our world.

Now with Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius you need to lis­ten, think and speak with a right­eous devo­tion to the cause of a Greater Under­stand­ing. You need to hear the Truth, you need to speak the Truth…but most of all you need to live your Truth.

For you are one of the ones of the One…and your sto­ry is True.

Don’t hold back…live your Truth!