Venus Trine Uranus & Mercury Trine Uranus (November 3, 2011)

A Dou­ble-Day again, and it is Fire to Fire! New­ly arrived in Sagit­tar­ius both Venus and Mer­cury form a beau­ti­ful trine aspect to Uranus stand­ing at the thresh­old of Aries…This is indeed a Fiery Day!

Venus has just begun her explo­rations in Sagit­tar­ius, seek­ing out the delights, dis­cov­er­ies and rev­e­la­tions that come from beyond your beyond, lead­ing you out to your far hori­zons of val­ue, beau­ty and love. Uranus, “The Awak­en­er” lends a hand, to quick­en your appre­ci­a­tion of the unfa­mil­iar now, for it is always his role to lead you into your greater spaces of self-realization.

Uranus does this by chal­leng­ing, break­ing through and ulti­mate­ly over­throw­ing the Real­i­ty-Struc­tures that have you have cre­at­ed. You made your Venus-Space of val­ue and beau­ty, of likes and loves…and you did so by dis­cov­er­ing what you were drawn to and what you attract­ed in turn, and of a neces­si­ty these were all unfa­mil­iar, at first…But they became the re-assur­ing, the need­ed and nec­es­sary val­ues of your life. You cre­at­ed a sys­tem of val­ue and mean­ing, a hier­ar­chy of beau­ty and love and it was good…

But if you were to remain there, with the famil­iar, with the everyday…well, how would you grow, how could you learn…how could you become? So, there comes a yearn­ing with­in, and an oppor­tu­ni­ty with­out, and you move into the unex­pect­ed again.

This is the spir­it of Uranus mov­ing with­in and around you, remind­ing you that your jour­ney is a con­stant unfold­ment of poten­tials, a spi­ral dance of life and dis­cov­ery, of beau­ty and love…and around every bend, as you turn the next cor­ner, you come clos­er to the cross­ing, clos­er to the light.

Mer­cury is graced by Uranus today too…and these two, well, they real­ly, real­ly get along with one anoth­er! Uranus is said to be the high­er vibra­tion of Mercury…Mercury is your low­er mind and Uranus is your high­er mind or what is called the “Mind of God”, (just as Nep­tune is the “Love of God” and Plu­to the “Will of God”).

Mer­cury rules your per­cep­tions, your abil­i­ty to gath­er “inputs”, process them into some order and cre­ate a body of expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge. Like­wise, he rules your abil­i­ty to share this infor­ma­tion by means of many modes of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Her­mes is the mes­sen­ger and rules your net­works with­in and your net­works around you.

Now mov­ing through Sagit­tar­ius he is stretch­ing, seek­ing to under­stand and share that much more. But how, how do you get beyond your self-made blind­ers, those shad­owed views of your pre­cepts, assump­tions, beliefs and truths? Those struc­tures were built up so that you could com­pre­hend and com­mu­ni­cate in your present real­i­ty, but they also form your self-lim­i­ta­tions as well.  For you stand in your own shad­ow, so that what you see…is what you expect or wish to see, and what­ev­er does not fit or chal­lenge that must needs be dis­missed to pro­tect “your truth”.

Here is where Uranus comes to the res­cue, shin­ing a bright light from a dif­fer­ent point, anoth­er angle of space; he shines an intu­itive beam of bril­liance that reveals some­thing missed, anoth­er piece of the puz­zle and you go “ah hah”.…now I see beyond, and the “That” is not so dimmed now.

For, in Truth, every part of your world is like a many-faceted jew­el, and you have only been see­ing, believ­ing and liv­ing in one facet, per­haps two…but your jour­ney, your goal is to under­stand and encom­pass it all!

Today Uranus takes you beyond your mono­chrome mind and shows you a glimpse of the rain­bow world you real­ly move through…

You are shin­ing now, you are brilliant…and you are beautiful!

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