Daily Archives: November 8, 2011

Neptune Turns Direct (November 9, 2011)

Your plan­et of dreams, vision and faith turns direct today. Since June Nep­tune has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade, direct­ing your sub­tle, nuanced sen­si­bil­i­ties of time and space inward to dance in the play­ground of the gods…your imagination!

Now it is time to move out with your dreams, those star­ry-eyed ideals and plans and see how they work in the “real world”. You’ve wan­dered far and wide in the uni­vers­es with­in, now you need to bring some mag­ic over here.

Dream­ing Real­i­ty turns to Real­i­ty Mak­ing as the Lord of Imag­i­na­tion moves for­ward once again…

Time to act…time to become the becoming…

It’s your time Imagineers!