Scorpio Full Moon (November 10, 2011)

Your jour­ney through Scor­pio has been com­ing to this, as you dug deep­er, as you plumbed the depths of your­self and the oth­er, you always sensed that there was some­thing just beyond, some­thing wait­ing, a deep­er truth, a greater reality…and now you are there, you are at the moment of revelation…

That is what a Full Moon is for… it is a celes­tial gift for you, a mes­sage of the Cos­mos to light your way. This ever unfold­ing, won­drous pageantry, this inter­weav­ing of the sacred plan­e­tary dancers have accom­pa­nied you on your jour­ney because they have always been there to inform, guide and inspire the sto­ry of your life on Earth. As the Ancient Teach­ings affirm, “As Above, So Below”; and so it is that all (of Cre­ation) are ones of the One…and the great illu­sion is separation.

At each Full Moon you gaze towards the West as the Sun slips below the hori­zon, then you turn ’round to the East and watch the beau­ty of the Moon as she ris­es. You look at each of these “lights”, stand­ing in their “cor­ners” and you see them as sep­a­rate, apart in their own space…and yet, you see some­thing more, that they are part of some­thing greater…For noth­ing and no one trav­els alone…In fact all are, from the begin­ning, part of one anoth­er and move in and through pro­found, mean­ing­ful ancient rela­tion­ships with one another…till the end of days in this sacred space of Space.

You see these lights now and you must try to stay true, to fol­low and under­stand that the mid­dle way is the “Roy­al Road”, the path of Spir­it. The Sun’s glo­ry radi­ates the virtues of Scor­pio where you have found that true growth is forged through your ever deep­er unions, the shared spaces of “We”. Those unions are found­ed upon, made pos­si­ble by your mutu­al tran­scen­dence of less­er values…and, “mys­tery of mys­ter­ies”, is that you dis­cov­er that you quick­en your own indi­vid­ual unfold­ment as you forge and affirm those deep­er val­ues between one another.

But there is always a chal­lenge, in mov­ing into those pas­sion­ate unions, in forg­ing those deep­er bonds, that you sur­ren­dered too much and sac­ri­ficed what should have been hon­ored if you were to be true to your­self. You may have for­got­ten and failed to hold to the truth that you are a sacred space too.

So turn to the Moon for bal­ance now, the Moon who holds a mir­ror up to you as she reflects the Light-Truth of Tau­rus. She reminds you that there are sac­ri­fices which are false, which take you away from your core val­ues, away from your sacred cen­ter and which may only serve anoth­er’s ego…and no true, last­ing union will come from that.

The Full Moon in Tau­rus, like a bright bea­con burn­ing, reminds you to hold to the essen­tial val­ues that make you “you” if you wish to move out to meet the oth­er in sacred union.

You find the path that is your des­tiny, to hon­or the sacred space that is unique­ly you. You walk the path, that starts from that sacred cen­ter, as you cre­ate those shared sacred spaces with your companions.

You dance this cos­mic dance, reach­ing in and out, as you jour­ney with all the oth­er ones of the One in this greater sacred space of Space…


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