Daily Archives: November 10, 2011

Mars enters Virgo (November 11, 2011)

Mars leaves the ide­al­is­tic realms of Leo for the earthy charms of Vir­go, and he is stay­ing there for a very, very long time indeed! Mars will turn ret­ro­grade in Jan­u­ary and so remain in Vir­go till July 2012.

While mov­ing ret­ro­grade Mars will come clos­er and clos­er to Earth. That means the first four months of 2012 are going to be rather ener­gized by the red plan­et, espe­cial­ly around those peri­ods when it changes direc­tion or oppos­es the Sun (Jan­u­ary 23, March 3 and April 13). Ener­gy is good, but these peri­ods will def­i­nite­ly call for calmer spir­its and steady hands, oth­er­wise events can quick­ly spi­ral out of control.

The mes­sage of Mars in Vir­go is clear…it is time to re-order and sim­pli­fy your life! Vir­go rules the ways and means for heal­ing you and your world. Appar­ent­ly, giv­en how long Mars is in Vir­go, we all need some extra help to orga­nize, heal and make our lives more peace­ful! Mars in Vir­go brings to focus what works (or who works)…and what is clear­ly not working.

Aims, desires and actions need to lead to real, sub­stan­tial improve­ments now…but you need to be the change you wish to live in…Criticism and sharp words are in the air, but you need to turn this sharp­er scalpel of dis­cern­ment inward first.

Vir­go is about mov­ing into a space of greater whole­ness, to move towards that most sought after treasure…to be at Peace, to have Peace of Mind. The way there is hard and is achieved only by suf­fer­ing and sacrifice.

The Ancient Teach­ings say that you suf­fer only because you are not yet what you will be; you do not under­stand and so do not live in beau­ty. To move clos­er, to get there, you must be will­ing to sacrifice…to sac­ri­fice the less­er sense of your­self and dis­cov­er the greater wait­ing within…always. Now is such a time, to move clos­er to the beau­ty with­in and bring more beau­ty around you. Now is your time to act, now is your time to be a healer…

Start where you know you can do some­thing real, start with your­self. Pro­jec­tion and avoid­ance of real and mean­ing­ful per­son­al sac­ri­fice will only lead to hard­er adjust­ments in the future. Then, after you have put your own house in order, after you have healed your­self, you can move out and help oth­ers to re-orga­nize and heal their lives too.

Mars in Vir­go is a time of prac­ti­cal activ­i­ty to heal your­self and your world. There is much work to be done, but that is why you are here on Earth…

Unveil the beau­ty with­in you, cre­ate with beau­ty around you…live in beauty…

Mars in Vir­go, just in time…now get to work!