Daily Archives: November 15, 2011

Mars Trine Jupiter (November 16, 2011)

Zoom, zoom! Today is your day for Right Action!

With Mars rul­ing your Actions/Aims and Jupiter your Principles/Beliefs, today you can effort­less­ly move towards your Desire and fol­low your Truth too.

Mars in Vir­go is stead­ier, more focused and pur­pose­ful now, seek­ing to bring order, rea­son and peace back into your life. You need to act crit­i­cal­ly and pre­cise­ly so as to root out the old, out­worn and emp­ty pat­terns that have lost their effi­ca­cy and mean­ing. Not only are they not “work­ing”, but they also make no sense. But how do you know, how can you decide which plan of action is more con­struc­tive; how can you know which steps will lead to a more com­plete life, to a life that feels true and whole?

Jupiter in Tau­rus pro­vides the steady, bal­anc­ing touch now by stand­ing res­olute­ly upon those greater, broad­er prin­ci­ples that are to be found at the ever-refresh­ing foun­tain of the Ancient Teach­ings. There have always been cer­tain fun­da­men­tal pre­cepts, core val­ues and spir­i­tu­al laws that stand behind and inform the appar­ent real­i­ty around you.

When­ev­er you have moved through a world that seemed to be unrav­el­ing, (a time very like now), the Peren­ni­al Phi­los­o­phy, the teach­ings behind all Reli­gion and Sci­ence, have answered by steer­ing you back towards the noble path that is your true jour­ney. There you find your refresh­ment, your renew­al of spir­i­tu­al vig­or in the undy­ing truths of your ori­gin, jour­ney and des­tiny in the stars…

There are times when that mes­sage seems drowned out, when the jour­ney seems over­long and with­out hope or meaning…but at pre­cise­ly such a time is when the Uni­verse, Spir­it, moves to fill that void and re-awak­en with­in you this deep­er understanding…and you see the path again.

Today is such a day…Action and Truth caress one anoth­er in a har­mo­ny of mean­ing and progress…you know what to do and why!

Today is a good day!