Daily Archives: November 20, 2011

Sun Square Neptune (November 20, 2011)

Do you know who you are?”

Yes it’s that time again…it’s time for anoth­er trip through your “Look­ing Glass” as the Sun (Self) squares Nep­tune (Illu­mi­na­tion).

This is not a time for fixed bound­aries and certainties…this is a time to won­der, a time to ques­tion, a time to be confused…

So that you may come to real­ize that you do not yet know, but you do under­stand that this is the way to move closer…this is the way to let go of a less­er sense of self and dis­cov­er the greater wait­ing with­in you…

It is hum­bling yet free­ing, con­fus­ing yet illuminating…and the only sac­ri­fice you must make is your self-lim­it­ing sense of sep­a­ra­tion from the greater real­i­ty with­in and around you.…

The only gift you need open is your imagination…

The only path you need walk is to dream again…

You are the dreamer,

you are the Dream…

Dream on Imagineer!