Sun Trine Uranus (November 23, 2011)


There is only one…only one of you…growing, unfold­ing, releasing…ever becom­ing more true and per­fect­ed through self-real­iza­tion, through self-unfoldment…

Today the Sun (The Self) aligns beau­ti­ful­ly with Uranus (The Awak­en­er) to help you dis­cov­er and release just a lit­tle bit more of that spe­cial­ness that is you. Today is a day to let your “self” shine just that much brighter and so light the way for those around you too!

You have moved through many stages in your jour­ney, and in each stage moved through many forms of self-ful­fill­ment. Each stage and each form was, for a while, per­fect­ly true to what­ev­er was pos­si­ble for you at that time…

Yet the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple, the core of your Spir­it, is to become…to move…to Grow. And so your present form, hav­ing served its pur­pose, must be laid aside so that your spir­it may be free again to find a more fit­ting form to con­tin­ue its journey.

You may delay, you may resist and so hold to an out­worn form out of fear, out of uncertainty…But there is no pow­er on Earth or in the Heav­ens above that will pre­vent your even­tu­al growth…And today the Uni­verse offers a help­ing hand, a gen­tle reminder that there is noth­ing to fear for it is in your nature to grow beyond the beyond…You are made of Star­ry Stuff and your home is beckoning…always.

Uranus comes to aid you now, to remind you that there is a greater you to be found with­in and expe­ri­enced with­out. Uranus shines his light of under­stand­ing, bend­ing round the cor­ners of your real­i­ty so that you may find an undis­cov­ered facet…you see in these refract­ed rays of your high­er mind an illu­mi­na­tion, you see what had been mere­ly dreamt of, a whis­pered hint, and so what was unre­al­ized is seen to be true and nec­es­sary because you must…you must con­tin­ue your jour­ney of self-unfoldment.

You can grow again beyond what had been into what you will become…Uranus quick­ens your growth by free­ing you from forms which can no longer sup­port or con­tain you.

Uranus, the Avatar of Free­dom, is light­ing the way…

All you need do is to let go of the lesser…

And move into the greater spaces of Freedom!

Remem­ber, those beat­en paths are for the beaten…

Arise, be an exam­ple, be true to your self…and be a Soul Blazer!

One thought on “Sun Trine Uranus (November 23, 2011)

  1. niki wooff

    I would like to say thank you for your beau­ti­ful sun trine uranus com­ments. You are a poet.I found the descrip­tion very uplift­ing and encour­ag­ing. Like a light shin­ing. It meant a lot to me as in my pro­gressed chart I am work­ing with exact pro­gres­sions of sun trine uranus plus nep­tune quin­tile chi­ron and sun square chi­ron. With my pro­gressed moon now con­junct natal sat­urn, square natal sun, natal moon, natal uranus, quin­cunx jupiter, quin­cunx ascen­dant, tran­sit­ing nep­tune square my mc/ic and quin­cunx natal sat­urn and not long to con­junct my ascen­dant and jupiter both at at 3deg pisces, plu­to just shift­ing it’s bum off an oppo­si­tion to my natal moon uranus con­junc­tion, I need­ed to hear sweet­er words than what I was feed­ing myself. I haven’t been to this site before, this was a ran­dom (no such thing) visit.Thank you so much, I am grate­ful and refreshed. Niki xx


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