Daily Archives: November 23, 2011

Mercury Turns Retrograde (November 24, 2011)

Have things been sort of going awry late­ly? Missed oppor­tu­ni­ties (or just things miss­ing), upsets, sur­pris­es, con­fu­sion, doubts, frus­tra­tion? …Uh oh…

Yes, that’s right, you know what that means…Hermes has been slow­ing down and now has reached his piv­ot point, he’s turn­ing ’round for the next 3 weeks and you bet­ter go along for the ride…Of course you have no choice, but the oppor­tu­ni­ty is there if you piv­ot with him!

Remem­ber, this is just a func­tion of Mer­cury catch­ing up to Earth and pass­ing us by on the “inside”, com­ing between us and the Sun. He is actu­al­ly at his clos­est to us so you could say those Mer­cu­r­ial Ener­gies are stronger than ever!…And, he is not going “back­wards”, he just looks like that from our perspective…which is real­ly what this is all about or for anyways…Mercury ret­ro­grade is an expe­ri­ence and les­son for you about your ori­en­ta­tion or perspective…you are being offered a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to “think about how you think”!

So piv­ot, piv­ot now with Mer­cury and turn your mind’s eye back on your­self and reflect on how you think. Question…everything! Seek to root out the less func­tion­al or dys­func­tion­al ways you approach the under­stand­ing of your life. Ques­tion what under­lies your point of view, what do you “stand upon”, what are your assump­tions? Do they lead you to answers…do they take you to a good place?

After all, Mer­cury is doing his con­trary cadence in the sign of Sagit­tar­ius, danc­ing through the realms of Sci­ence, Phi­los­o­phy and Religion…exploring the Halls of Truth, the Tem­ple of Under­stand­ing. There is rarely offered a more oppor­tune moment than this!

Turn and open your mind to a greater, more inclu­sive under­stand­ing of how your very approach to real­i­ty cre­ates that reality…and you only need shift your focus just a lit­tle bit to see the way beyond these dim lit lands, to move beyond your shad­ows of doubt and fear…and move clos­er, into the Light.

…and the only offer­ing you need make is your attach­ment to dog­ma, to the ordi­nary, accept­ed assump­tions and answers which can no longer sat­is­fy your need to know, your ever grow­ing need to “Stand Under” and expe­ri­ence the greater truth of your journey.

Open your mind, be hum­ble and self-for­giv­ing (laugh too) and know that this is what it means to move towards Wisdom…that the clos­er you come to Truth, the more you come to realise that it is even more pro­found than you could ever have imagined…

Pivot…and open your mind to Wisdom!