Daily Archives: November 24, 2011

New Moon in Sagittarius — SOLAR ECLIPSE (November 24–25, 2011)

The Ninth New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year is also a par­tial Solar Eclipse. Dur­ing an ordi­nary New Moon you receive a gift of new inspi­ra­tion, a release of ener­gy to fur­ther your unfold­ment through the themes of that par­tic­u­lar sign, in this case Sagit­tar­ius. But dur­ing the Solar Eclipse the Moon’s shad­ow (rep­re­sent­ing the past) cross­es over you. This release of new ener­gy requires a trip back in time so that you can resolve some­thing old before you can move forward…Okay, so let’s see what tune this Lunar “do-si-do” is danc­ing to…

In my Overview for 2011 I wrote about this New Moon:

The Solar Eclipse of Novem­ber 25 is in Sagit­tar­ius. The release of a new ener­gy in under­stand­ing must first address the need to repair our notions of truth­ful­ness. Do you know where you are going? Oh, then you know from whence you came? Remember.

One of the more impor­tant con­cepts asso­ci­at­ed with Sagit­tar­ius is the process of the devel­op­ment of your Under­stand­ing which pro­ceeds most­ly in a grad­ual fash­ion, but at times is sub­ject to a greater leap through Rev­e­la­tion.

For the most part, Under­stand­ing unfolds through the steady accu­mu­la­tion of expe­ri­ence, and that expe­ri­ence being trans­mit­ted through Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion, cre­ates the devel­op­ment of human cul­ture and soci­ety which can be seen to unfold, devel­op and become more than it was. But this self-becom­ing does not hap­pen along one straight, sim­ple and step by step path.

The unfold­ment of Under­stand­ing is not lin­ear, it is cyclic and more spi­ral in nature, and cer­tain­ly appears to move for­ward and back­ward, advanc­ing and retreat­ing, around the world and through the ages. Often and for some time advances are seen as incre­men­tal, each addi­tion­al insight build­ing upon what has come before. But there are moments, schis­mat­ic bursts of light, which pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty to break up a set of old assumptions/constraints and cre­ate a new, hope­ful­ly more inclu­sive and wis­er world view.

Here is where the Solar Eclipse can lend a hand. For in the Moon’s shad­ow light there stand revealed some ele­ments missed in those brighter sun-lit realms. In the shad­ows you can dis­cern some of the old, under­ly­ing assump­tions that forms, that tru­ly cre­ates the lim­it­ed real­i­ty of what you per­ceive. The Moon’s shad­ow reveals, which means to unveil, to uncov­er what was hid­den, to bring into con­scious­ness what has been present but not yet per­ceived, and so your under­stand­ing of what­ev­er was before you has become truer, deep­er and clos­er to what is known as “That”.

But there is anoth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty present at such a moment of plan­e­tary cycling. When our Star­ry com­pan­ions align so that the light around is dimmed there can come a turn­ing, a recog­ni­tion of a greater light with­in. This inner bright­en­ing, this Illu­mi­na­tion is known as “Rev­e­la­tion”, a Dra­mat­ic unveil­ing often through some exter­nal agent like a Divine being (or per­haps your high­er self). The veil that you per­ceived real­i­ty through, or that cov­ered real­i­ty for you, is lift­ed, if only for a moment, and you expe­ri­ence the shock of Rev­e­la­tion, the shock of the Unveil­ing of the Greater Space you tru­ly move through…

It is not grad­ual, it is not easy (it needs to be shock­ing), but it is through this agency of Spir­it, through this quick­en­ing of your self-unfold­ment, that great leaps are made in your understanding…and you will be ever grate­ful for this help in your becoming.

More­over, this gift of Illu­mi­na­tion, this more com­plete Under­stand­ing, brings sub­stan­tial proof that your jour­ney is watched over by those who have come this way before…and they wish to help…

And it is from this, that you can know, for cer­tain, that you are nev­er alone, never…and that your jour­ney is part of a greater jour­ney too.

Pause at this New Moon, pause at this new begin­ning in your under­stand­ing. Dare to approach Isis who wears for you her Veil of Appear­ances, (the veil you helped to form)…and dare to lift, if but a lit­tle, and look beyond and into the heart of your Universe.…and gaze with new-found wonder…

Step into the shadows…and into the greater light of Truth.