Daily Archives: November 25, 2011

Venus Enters Capricorn & Venus Square Uranus (November 26, 2011)

Venus is mak­ing her gra­cious, dig­ni­fied and pur­pose­ful entrance into Capri­corn for the next 3 weeks…only to be tripped up imme­di­ate­ly by Mr. Con­trary him­self, Uranus. How are you sup­posed to observe the niceties, uphold tra­di­tions, main­tain deco­rum (and your com­po­sure) while you are tum­bling head over heels? Real­ly, what is the Uni­verse say­ing now anyways?

Venus leaves the expan­sive, explor­ing and ide­al­is­tic sign of Sagit­tar­ius for the Earthy plea­sures (and seri­ous sen­si­bil­i­ties) of Capri­corn. The Exot­ic los­es its appeal, you want and need what is steady, re-assur­ing and has with­stood the tests of time, what endures is what appeals…No pass­ing fan­cies now, noth­ing casual…you’re mov­ing from the Sagit­tar­i­an trav­el­ling bazaar to the court­ly realms of pres­tige, posi­tion and deference…

What you need to know, where you seek to find and secure your val­ue is by under­stand­ing where you stand in the hier­ar­chy of your social order…What is your role or Title, what are your rights, and what are your respon­si­bil­i­ties towards one another?…This is what you seek to find in your­self and through the oth­er now…you need to know your social sta­tus and you want to be in a posi­tion that is wor­thy of you, a role that ful­fills you and bestows honor.

But as you try and get your bear­ings, to find what (and who) is above and below, to ascer­tain who is respon­si­ble for what and to whom, as you try to walk those ancient, prac­ti­cal paths of duty and tra­di­tion, Uranus comes spin­ning by to add his “out­sider” oth­er­ness to Venus’ sensibilities…Okay, now how do you man­age this?

Uranus is throw­ing down his chal­lenge to the sta­tus quo…to those time-test­ed, rev­er­ent­ly held hier­ar­chi­cal posi­tions and powers…he comes along, like a breath of fresh air (or howl­ing wind) and says, “Why, why must life be ordered like this? What is “right” is what is earned…and what is true to growth, to the truth of indi­vid­ual free­dom and self-realization.”

Before you can claim those rights or priv­i­leges, before you can move up in the hier­ar­chy of life, you have to earn it by ful­fill­ing your respon­si­bil­i­ties and prov­ing you are worthy…that you are “trust wor­thy”. For what­ev­er your title and posi­tion, and the pow­ers that flow from them, it depends upon you under­stand­ing, acknowl­edg­ing and serv­ing the source of that power…it is not yours, it is only yours to exer­cise faith­ful­ly by serv­ing its source.

And remem­ber, behind all such hier­ar­chies there is the One, true hier­ar­chy of the Spir­i­tu­al fam­i­ly to which you belong and with whom you journey.

Uranus, the Awak­en­er, is only remind­ing you that you must not be enam­ored or entranced by appear­ances, by the forms of posi­tion and dis­plays of pow­er. Those out­ward trap­pings are here only to serve some­thing greater…

For what tru­ly endures is found within…and is seen to grow as that bright­en­ing light of your spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment, your self-becom­ing ascent in the Hier­ar­chy of Light.

Your nobil­i­ty and worth are already with­in you…Uranus is just remind­ing you to let it shine…

Shine on!