Daily Archives: November 26, 2011

Venus Trine Jupiter (November 27, 2011)

Now this is more like it! Bless­ings and more blessings…Today enjoy the gifts of good for­tune, because you have earned it!

Yes, good for­tune (Venus) meets Greater good for­tune (Jupiter)…and all is well in your world. This is your “lucky day”, but don’t let it go to your head…instead, under­stand why this is hap­pen­ing and what you need always do.

Venus is mov­ing through Capri­corn. What mat­ters now are your tra­di­tion­al val­ues; qual­i­ties like ele­gance, style any and all clas­si­cal forms are in demand. Jupiter is sta­tioned in Tau­rus; your prin­ci­ples of relat­ing are whol­ly focused upon last­ing val­ues that are tan­gi­ble, sen­su­al and com­fort­ing. They are both in Earth and form­ing a beau­ti­ful aspect that makes man­i­fest the good in tan­gi­ble ways.

Their won­der­ful align­ment today means you will be reward­ed now. Of course, the nature and extent of that reward most­ly depends upon you; because it is your own past actions that will mea­sure out the reap­ing of your good for­tune now. That’s right, each and every, one and all are always sub­ject to that fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple of “Cause and Effect” which deter­mines the wax­ing and wan­ing of your life experiences.

You make your future in all ways…so the extent of your “good luck” is the result of the gen­eros­i­ty you have shown to oth­ers. Enjoy your good for­tune but con­tin­ue to build a bet­ter future for oth­ers and your­self by shar­ing your bless­ings con­tin­u­ous­ly with those in your life.

For what you give is what you get…

Today is a good day!