Daily Archives: November 30, 2011

Venus Conjunct Pluto (December 1, 2011)

Are you ready? Are you ready to go deeper?

It’s time again to dive deeply into those spaces below, down into the ancient cat­a­combs of your val­ues. Venus, like Perse­phone, is going on her jour­ney with­in. Plu­to, as Hades, is tak­ing her on this renew­al jour­ney, to refresh and restore your expe­ri­ence of beau­ty, mean­ing and love. 

Venus rules your val­ues which are formed by, found­ed upon and express your val­ue of your­self, your self-worth. Most pro­found­ly, yet sim­ply put, this is real­ly a reflec­tion of your expe­ri­ence of love, your love of self…which is real­ly your essen­tial expe­ri­ence of being one of the ones of the One.

Plu­to rules your will-pow­er which forms, main­tains and pro­tects all of your sacred spaces. It is through the pow­er of Plu­to that you can form the bound­aries between your­self and any oth­er and most impor­tant­ly form that essen­tial sacred space, the sacred space you call yourself.

Venus aligned with Plu­to cre­ates the oppor­tu­ni­ty to more deeply under­stand the mys­tery and joy, the chal­lenge and reward, of expe­ri­enc­ing your love for one anoth­er, a love which is formed in and bound­ed by your union, by cre­at­ing that shared sacred space, the sacred space of “we”.

The depth of that shared love and the great­ness of that shared space is set by you and the other…it is deter­mined, formed and made pos­si­ble by what you each indi­vid­u­al­ly bring from the unfold­ment of self-love and the integri­ty of your own sacred space. The more you have come to love your­self tru­ly and uncon­di­tion­al­ly, and the more you have come to cen­ter your­self in your own sacred space…well, then to that same extent can you love and cre­ate that sacred space of “we” with one another.

Today Venus and Plu­to take you deep­er, into the foun­da­tions of your love and sacred space. You need to reex­am­ine what you pos­sess with­in so that you may bet­ter share it. You need to under­stand how you cre­ate your bound­aries so that you may bet­ter tran­scend them.

Then you can move out again, into that vul­ner­a­ble but nec­es­sary space between you and you, where one heart meets anoth­er. You can, hav­ing found a greater love with­in and stronger will to cre­ate, you can move into the sacred space of co-cre­ation with all the oth­er ones of the One.

You can come togeth­er, you can move clos­er to home…and it is good.