Monthly Archives: November 2011

Sun Trine Uranus (November 23, 2011)


There is only one…only one of you…growing, unfold­ing, releasing…ever becom­ing more true and per­fect­ed through self-real­iza­tion, through self-unfoldment…

Today the Sun (The Self) aligns beau­ti­ful­ly with Uranus (The Awak­en­er) to help you dis­cov­er and release just a lit­tle bit more of that spe­cial­ness that is you. Today is a day to let your “self” shine just that much brighter and so light the way for those around you too!

You have moved through many stages in your jour­ney, and in each stage moved through many forms of self-ful­fill­ment. Each stage and each form was, for a while, per­fect­ly true to what­ev­er was pos­si­ble for you at that time…

Yet the fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ple, the core of your Spir­it, is to become…to move…to Grow. And so your present form, hav­ing served its pur­pose, must be laid aside so that your spir­it may be free again to find a more fit­ting form to con­tin­ue its journey.

You may delay, you may resist and so hold to an out­worn form out of fear, out of uncertainty…But there is no pow­er on Earth or in the Heav­ens above that will pre­vent your even­tu­al growth…And today the Uni­verse offers a help­ing hand, a gen­tle reminder that there is noth­ing to fear for it is in your nature to grow beyond the beyond…You are made of Star­ry Stuff and your home is beckoning…always.

Uranus comes to aid you now, to remind you that there is a greater you to be found with­in and expe­ri­enced with­out. Uranus shines his light of under­stand­ing, bend­ing round the cor­ners of your real­i­ty so that you may find an undis­cov­ered facet…you see in these refract­ed rays of your high­er mind an illu­mi­na­tion, you see what had been mere­ly dreamt of, a whis­pered hint, and so what was unre­al­ized is seen to be true and nec­es­sary because you must…you must con­tin­ue your jour­ney of self-unfoldment.

You can grow again beyond what had been into what you will become…Uranus quick­ens your growth by free­ing you from forms which can no longer sup­port or con­tain you.

Uranus, the Avatar of Free­dom, is light­ing the way…

All you need do is to let go of the lesser…

And move into the greater spaces of Freedom!

Remem­ber, those beat­en paths are for the beaten…

Arise, be an exam­ple, be true to your self…and be a Soul Blazer!

Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2011)

You start­ed 9 months ago and you start­ed in Fire…Aries is always your begin­ning, the time when what was the un-man­i­fest became man­i­fest, where your non-being became your being­ness. You, as Spir­it Desired to move into the Spaces of Space again, and what you came to be was through Spir­it descend­ing and join­ing with Mat­ter. These were your first delight­ful steps in this Dance of Life, your In-Spirit-ation…

And your jour­ney con­tin­ued as Spir­it mov­ing into Mat­ter through Fire, Earth, Air and Water, then again as Fire, Earth, Air and Water…and now…

Now you come back one more time to Fire…You make one last turn of this Ele­men­tal Wheel before you start again in a new Astro­log­i­cal year…This, your Cycling-Spi­ral-Dance of Spir­it and Mat­ter, is the nev­er-end­ing jour­ney of your Becom­ing the Becoming.

Now you emerge, out of the Waters, out from Scor­pio where you encoun­tered the Mys­ter­ies of Life and Death, of Union and Sep­a­ra­tion and you expe­ri­enced, you felt… some­thing Pro­found…And so you must seek now to Under­stand…“What, what was That, What Is This?”

So, the Sun moves into Sagit­tar­ius, the third and final Fire Sign and you return to the realm of Ideals…to the Halls of Wis­dom where you look to Law, to Phi­los­o­phy and to Reli­gion to explain…You turn to the Age­less Voic­es that are behind all the of these, the Peren­ni­al Phi­los­o­phy known and passed down from the begin­ning as the Ancient Teach­ings.

You seek to relate what you have expe­ri­enced to some­thing beyond your own expe­ri­ence, to put it into a larg­er con­text and so find Mean­ing. You seek to put your life, your dis­cov­er­ies and mys­ter­ies, your tri­umphs and defeats, you seek to under­stand it All. You turn your gaze out­ward, seek­ing the con­nec­tion to those who have come this way before you (and they have).…and you find that they have left you guid­ance, com­fort…Wis­dom. It is a gift, a bless­ing and you must do your part too…

And so you can build upon this, upon their gift of Under­stand­ing so that you may stand with and lean upon those who came before you…and so advance The Becom­ing a lit­tle bit more. But you also add…you add your expe­ri­ence, your under­stand­ing to this Greater Under­stand­ing and so it becomes even greater still…This is your sto­ry, your Jour­ney of Becom­ing the Becoming.

So turn ’round now, round that round and acknowl­edge the great Sac­ri­fices that were made to give this Gift to you. Know, that you must make your sac­ri­fice too as you get clos­er and clos­er, clos­er to the cross­ing point between the dark­ness and the Light. And as the days grow ever dark­er, as the shad­ows deep­en around you, let the Light with­in burn ever brighter, your Light that will nev­er go out…

Turn now, look at Your Sun who stands in this spe­cial part of Space…Then look beyond and know that behind that Solar space you are look­ing out into the heart of your Galaxy…you look out into the ori­gins of Life and Spir­it in this Cos­mic Wheel­ing won­der we call our Milky Way…It is at this time of the year that your Sun is aligned with the Cen­ter of your Galac­tic home.

Turn and know that you are look­ing homeward…that there is a nev­er-ceas­ing, stream­ing of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it going out and in from that Cen­ter, from the One to all the ones of the One and beyond…

Bow your head down…Feel your Spir­it soar…Sing your Celes­tial Song.…Dance…

You are a Shin­ing One…

Shine On!

Sun Square Neptune (November 20, 2011)

Do you know who you are?”

Yes it’s that time again…it’s time for anoth­er trip through your “Look­ing Glass” as the Sun (Self) squares Nep­tune (Illu­mi­na­tion).

This is not a time for fixed bound­aries and certainties…this is a time to won­der, a time to ques­tion, a time to be confused…

So that you may come to real­ize that you do not yet know, but you do under­stand that this is the way to move closer…this is the way to let go of a less­er sense of self and dis­cov­er the greater wait­ing with­in you…

It is hum­bling yet free­ing, con­fus­ing yet illuminating…and the only sac­ri­fice you must make is your self-lim­it­ing sense of sep­a­ra­tion from the greater real­i­ty with­in and around you.…

The only gift you need open is your imagination…

The only path you need walk is to dream again…

You are the dreamer,

you are the Dream…

Dream on Imagineer!

Mars Trine Jupiter (November 16, 2011)

Zoom, zoom! Today is your day for Right Action!

With Mars rul­ing your Actions/Aims and Jupiter your Principles/Beliefs, today you can effort­less­ly move towards your Desire and fol­low your Truth too.

Mars in Vir­go is stead­ier, more focused and pur­pose­ful now, seek­ing to bring order, rea­son and peace back into your life. You need to act crit­i­cal­ly and pre­cise­ly so as to root out the old, out­worn and emp­ty pat­terns that have lost their effi­ca­cy and mean­ing. Not only are they not “work­ing”, but they also make no sense. But how do you know, how can you decide which plan of action is more con­struc­tive; how can you know which steps will lead to a more com­plete life, to a life that feels true and whole?

Jupiter in Tau­rus pro­vides the steady, bal­anc­ing touch now by stand­ing res­olute­ly upon those greater, broad­er prin­ci­ples that are to be found at the ever-refresh­ing foun­tain of the Ancient Teach­ings. There have always been cer­tain fun­da­men­tal pre­cepts, core val­ues and spir­i­tu­al laws that stand behind and inform the appar­ent real­i­ty around you.

When­ev­er you have moved through a world that seemed to be unrav­el­ing, (a time very like now), the Peren­ni­al Phi­los­o­phy, the teach­ings behind all Reli­gion and Sci­ence, have answered by steer­ing you back towards the noble path that is your true jour­ney. There you find your refresh­ment, your renew­al of spir­i­tu­al vig­or in the undy­ing truths of your ori­gin, jour­ney and des­tiny in the stars…

There are times when that mes­sage seems drowned out, when the jour­ney seems over­long and with­out hope or meaning…but at pre­cise­ly such a time is when the Uni­verse, Spir­it, moves to fill that void and re-awak­en with­in you this deep­er understanding…and you see the path again.

Today is such a day…Action and Truth caress one anoth­er in a har­mo­ny of mean­ing and progress…you know what to do and why!

Today is a good day!

Mars enters Virgo (November 11, 2011)

Mars leaves the ide­al­is­tic realms of Leo for the earthy charms of Vir­go, and he is stay­ing there for a very, very long time indeed! Mars will turn ret­ro­grade in Jan­u­ary and so remain in Vir­go till July 2012.

While mov­ing ret­ro­grade Mars will come clos­er and clos­er to Earth. That means the first four months of 2012 are going to be rather ener­gized by the red plan­et, espe­cial­ly around those peri­ods when it changes direc­tion or oppos­es the Sun (Jan­u­ary 23, March 3 and April 13). Ener­gy is good, but these peri­ods will def­i­nite­ly call for calmer spir­its and steady hands, oth­er­wise events can quick­ly spi­ral out of control.

The mes­sage of Mars in Vir­go is clear…it is time to re-order and sim­pli­fy your life! Vir­go rules the ways and means for heal­ing you and your world. Appar­ent­ly, giv­en how long Mars is in Vir­go, we all need some extra help to orga­nize, heal and make our lives more peace­ful! Mars in Vir­go brings to focus what works (or who works)…and what is clear­ly not working.

Aims, desires and actions need to lead to real, sub­stan­tial improve­ments now…but you need to be the change you wish to live in…Criticism and sharp words are in the air, but you need to turn this sharp­er scalpel of dis­cern­ment inward first.

Vir­go is about mov­ing into a space of greater whole­ness, to move towards that most sought after treasure…to be at Peace, to have Peace of Mind. The way there is hard and is achieved only by suf­fer­ing and sacrifice.

The Ancient Teach­ings say that you suf­fer only because you are not yet what you will be; you do not under­stand and so do not live in beau­ty. To move clos­er, to get there, you must be will­ing to sacrifice…to sac­ri­fice the less­er sense of your­self and dis­cov­er the greater wait­ing within…always. Now is such a time, to move clos­er to the beau­ty with­in and bring more beau­ty around you. Now is your time to act, now is your time to be a healer…

Start where you know you can do some­thing real, start with your­self. Pro­jec­tion and avoid­ance of real and mean­ing­ful per­son­al sac­ri­fice will only lead to hard­er adjust­ments in the future. Then, after you have put your own house in order, after you have healed your­self, you can move out and help oth­ers to re-orga­nize and heal their lives too.

Mars in Vir­go is a time of prac­ti­cal activ­i­ty to heal your­self and your world. There is much work to be done, but that is why you are here on Earth…

Unveil the beau­ty with­in you, cre­ate with beau­ty around you…live in beauty…

Mars in Vir­go, just in time…now get to work!