Monthly Archives: November 2011

Scorpio Full Moon (November 10, 2011)

Your jour­ney through Scor­pio has been com­ing to this, as you dug deep­er, as you plumbed the depths of your­self and the oth­er, you always sensed that there was some­thing just beyond, some­thing wait­ing, a deep­er truth, a greater reality…and now you are there, you are at the moment of revelation…

That is what a Full Moon is for… it is a celes­tial gift for you, a mes­sage of the Cos­mos to light your way. This ever unfold­ing, won­drous pageantry, this inter­weav­ing of the sacred plan­e­tary dancers have accom­pa­nied you on your jour­ney because they have always been there to inform, guide and inspire the sto­ry of your life on Earth. As the Ancient Teach­ings affirm, “As Above, So Below”; and so it is that all (of Cre­ation) are ones of the One…and the great illu­sion is separation.

At each Full Moon you gaze towards the West as the Sun slips below the hori­zon, then you turn ’round to the East and watch the beau­ty of the Moon as she ris­es. You look at each of these “lights”, stand­ing in their “cor­ners” and you see them as sep­a­rate, apart in their own space…and yet, you see some­thing more, that they are part of some­thing greater…For noth­ing and no one trav­els alone…In fact all are, from the begin­ning, part of one anoth­er and move in and through pro­found, mean­ing­ful ancient rela­tion­ships with one another…till the end of days in this sacred space of Space.

You see these lights now and you must try to stay true, to fol­low and under­stand that the mid­dle way is the “Roy­al Road”, the path of Spir­it. The Sun’s glo­ry radi­ates the virtues of Scor­pio where you have found that true growth is forged through your ever deep­er unions, the shared spaces of “We”. Those unions are found­ed upon, made pos­si­ble by your mutu­al tran­scen­dence of less­er values…and, “mys­tery of mys­ter­ies”, is that you dis­cov­er that you quick­en your own indi­vid­ual unfold­ment as you forge and affirm those deep­er val­ues between one another.

But there is always a chal­lenge, in mov­ing into those pas­sion­ate unions, in forg­ing those deep­er bonds, that you sur­ren­dered too much and sac­ri­ficed what should have been hon­ored if you were to be true to your­self. You may have for­got­ten and failed to hold to the truth that you are a sacred space too.

So turn to the Moon for bal­ance now, the Moon who holds a mir­ror up to you as she reflects the Light-Truth of Tau­rus. She reminds you that there are sac­ri­fices which are false, which take you away from your core val­ues, away from your sacred cen­ter and which may only serve anoth­er’s ego…and no true, last­ing union will come from that.

The Full Moon in Tau­rus, like a bright bea­con burn­ing, reminds you to hold to the essen­tial val­ues that make you “you” if you wish to move out to meet the oth­er in sacred union.

You find the path that is your des­tiny, to hon­or the sacred space that is unique­ly you. You walk the path, that starts from that sacred cen­ter, as you cre­ate those shared sacred spaces with your companions.

You dance this cos­mic dance, reach­ing in and out, as you jour­ney with all the oth­er ones of the One in this greater sacred space of Space…


Neptune Turns Direct (November 9, 2011)

Your plan­et of dreams, vision and faith turns direct today. Since June Nep­tune has been mov­ing ret­ro­grade, direct­ing your sub­tle, nuanced sen­si­bil­i­ties of time and space inward to dance in the play­ground of the gods…your imagination!

Now it is time to move out with your dreams, those star­ry-eyed ideals and plans and see how they work in the “real world”. You’ve wan­dered far and wide in the uni­vers­es with­in, now you need to bring some mag­ic over here.

Dream­ing Real­i­ty turns to Real­i­ty Mak­ing as the Lord of Imag­i­na­tion moves for­ward once again…

Time to act…time to become the becoming…

It’s your time Imagineers!

Mars Opposition Neptune (November 7, 2011)

Are you tired, uncer­tain or just plain confused…well then you are doing just fine! After all, did­n’t you know, that is just what you are sup­posed to feel like when Mars and Nep­tune oppose one another…On the oth­er hand, if you are ener­gized and cer­tain today…then you prob­a­bly need to wake up and real­ize that you’ve been day-dream­ing again!

Mars rules your desires, dri­ves and actions; its prin­ci­pal pur­pose is to serve your “self” (Sun) by pro­vid­ing the “zip” to go after what you want. Mars is the plan­et of “you”, the plan­et of Self-Asser­tion. Nep­tune brings you into self­less­ness; it rules your capac­i­ty for com­pas­sion, empa­thy and uni­ver­sal love…and it is the source for your dreams, those very objects of your Mars desires. Nep­tune is the plan­et of “beyond you”, the plan­et of Imagination.

So, sim­ply put, this oppo­si­tion illus­trates the chal­lenge of  how you rec­on­cile, bal­ance and inte­grate self-asser­tion and selflessness…and it also illu­mi­nates the rela­tion­ship between your desires and dreams.

Today your Star­ry com­pan­ions are pos­ing a daunt­ing dilem­ma: How do you (or can you) assert your­self and be kind too? In the begin­ning of your jour­ney, when faced with the chal­lenge to get what you want, to get “your way”, you either “threw down or turned your cheek”, you either forced your way or yielded.

But as you grow, as you become spir­i­tu­al­ly stronger, you real­ize that your strength is for you, yes it is, but more it is for you to use in ser­vice to some­thing greater than yourself…that one of your most impor­tant advances is to learn how to become self-assertive in non self-cen­tered ways!

You need to make your unique con­tri­bu­tion to your world, and so you need to become stronger. Yet much if not most of your strength is found­ed, formed and giv­en sub­stance by your expe­ri­ences with your fel­low com­pan­ions. Your strength, your pow­er and pur­pose is not by or for your­self alone…it is for some­thing much more sublime.

Today’s align­ment reminds you that your jour­ney is paradoxical…the stronger you tru­ly become…the more hum­ble, accept­ing and self-less you must even­tu­al­ly become too!

Equal­ly today’s mes­sage is about your desires and dreams, it is about the rela­tion­ship between your actions and where you think (or hope) they are tak­ing you. You always encounter your world as it is…Today is seem­ing­ly “giv­en” to you (by “the past”, by the thoughts, feel­ings and actions of you and many oth­ers). But then, by your great­est pow­er, “Imag­i­na­tion”, you dream of a dif­fer­ent world, a bet­ter, gen­tler and more beau­ti­ful place (one that you may remem­ber, one that you came upon in your dreams).

Then you act (Mars) to real­ize this dream (Nep­tune). Per­haps some of it will come into being, if you dreamt well and act­ed tru­ly. But you and those around you are not yet the cre­ators you will be, so often much will not turn out well, and much not intend­ed may come into being too. And so, you must try, try again. 

This is also what you feel today, you remem­ber the Dream (Nep­tune), and you see how you have Act­ed (Mars), whether well or not so well to bring that dream into being…and you know and under­stand that you must dream and do again. You have reached a turn­ing point in dreaming-reality-dreaming…a cycle is over, a new one begins.

Dream well today!

Then act with conviction…

Be moved by compassion…

But above all else, be a creator…and be humble…

Venus Trine Uranus & Mercury Trine Uranus (November 3, 2011)

A Dou­ble-Day again, and it is Fire to Fire! New­ly arrived in Sagit­tar­ius both Venus and Mer­cury form a beau­ti­ful trine aspect to Uranus stand­ing at the thresh­old of Aries…This is indeed a Fiery Day!

Venus has just begun her explo­rations in Sagit­tar­ius, seek­ing out the delights, dis­cov­er­ies and rev­e­la­tions that come from beyond your beyond, lead­ing you out to your far hori­zons of val­ue, beau­ty and love. Uranus, “The Awak­en­er” lends a hand, to quick­en your appre­ci­a­tion of the unfa­mil­iar now, for it is always his role to lead you into your greater spaces of self-realization.

Uranus does this by chal­leng­ing, break­ing through and ulti­mate­ly over­throw­ing the Real­i­ty-Struc­tures that have you have cre­at­ed. You made your Venus-Space of val­ue and beau­ty, of likes and loves…and you did so by dis­cov­er­ing what you were drawn to and what you attract­ed in turn, and of a neces­si­ty these were all unfa­mil­iar, at first…But they became the re-assur­ing, the need­ed and nec­es­sary val­ues of your life. You cre­at­ed a sys­tem of val­ue and mean­ing, a hier­ar­chy of beau­ty and love and it was good…

But if you were to remain there, with the famil­iar, with the everyday…well, how would you grow, how could you learn…how could you become? So, there comes a yearn­ing with­in, and an oppor­tu­ni­ty with­out, and you move into the unex­pect­ed again.

This is the spir­it of Uranus mov­ing with­in and around you, remind­ing you that your jour­ney is a con­stant unfold­ment of poten­tials, a spi­ral dance of life and dis­cov­ery, of beau­ty and love…and around every bend, as you turn the next cor­ner, you come clos­er to the cross­ing, clos­er to the light.

Mer­cury is graced by Uranus today too…and these two, well, they real­ly, real­ly get along with one anoth­er! Uranus is said to be the high­er vibra­tion of Mercury…Mercury is your low­er mind and Uranus is your high­er mind or what is called the “Mind of God”, (just as Nep­tune is the “Love of God” and Plu­to the “Will of God”).

Mer­cury rules your per­cep­tions, your abil­i­ty to gath­er “inputs”, process them into some order and cre­ate a body of expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge. Like­wise, he rules your abil­i­ty to share this infor­ma­tion by means of many modes of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Her­mes is the mes­sen­ger and rules your net­works with­in and your net­works around you.

Now mov­ing through Sagit­tar­ius he is stretch­ing, seek­ing to under­stand and share that much more. But how, how do you get beyond your self-made blind­ers, those shad­owed views of your pre­cepts, assump­tions, beliefs and truths? Those struc­tures were built up so that you could com­pre­hend and com­mu­ni­cate in your present real­i­ty, but they also form your self-lim­i­ta­tions as well.  For you stand in your own shad­ow, so that what you see…is what you expect or wish to see, and what­ev­er does not fit or chal­lenge that must needs be dis­missed to pro­tect “your truth”.

Here is where Uranus comes to the res­cue, shin­ing a bright light from a dif­fer­ent point, anoth­er angle of space; he shines an intu­itive beam of bril­liance that reveals some­thing missed, anoth­er piece of the puz­zle and you go “ah hah”.…now I see beyond, and the “That” is not so dimmed now.

For, in Truth, every part of your world is like a many-faceted jew­el, and you have only been see­ing, believ­ing and liv­ing in one facet, per­haps two…but your jour­ney, your goal is to under­stand and encom­pass it all!

Today Uranus takes you beyond your mono­chrome mind and shows you a glimpse of the rain­bow world you real­ly move through…

You are shin­ing now, you are brilliant…and you are beautiful!

Venus Enters Sagittarius & Mercury Enters Sagittarius (November 2, 2011)

You are in for a dou­ble dose of shift­ing ener­gies today as Venus and Mer­cury are mak­ing their moves into Sagittarius…no doubt about it, you are going to feel different!

Venus dances into Sagit­tar­ius for about the next 3 weeks and your appre­ci­a­tion turns away from those deep­er, hid­den secrets that you shared with one another…you turn, togeth­er, to face out­ward because you seek for a dis­tant horizon.

In Scor­pio what mat­tered most was for you to move clos­er togeth­er, to go inward and cre­ate a more intense, pas­sion­ate con­nec­tion. But now you are in “Fire” and you need to go beyond the beyond, to cross bor­ders, to take your delight as you explore new worlds togeth­er. The thrill of dis­cov­ery, of reach­ing the far­ther shore is what you need to share now.

Dis­tant lands beck­on, oth­er times, oth­er places and oth­er peo­ple refresh and renew your soul. The free­dom to dis­cov­er one anoth­er in new spaces is what Sagit­tar­ius seeks, the free­dom to grow beyond one­self and dis­cov­er some­thing greater with and through one another…this is the promise and hope of true part­ner­ship now as you trav­el with your com­pan­ion on a great adventure…together!

Mer­cury too makes his move into the Archer’s realm, but his stay will be much longer (he is going ret­ro­grade soon) and so will not move onto Capri­corn till the sec­ond week of Jan­u­ary. That’s a long, long time to be expand­ing your men­tal horizons…but what an opportunity!

In Scor­pio you peeled back many lay­ers to reach the deep­er core of the mys­tery. But now you are in the Ide­al­is­tic Halls of Fire, in the realms of Truth and Phi­los­o­phy, of Sci­ence and Reli­gion. Now your mind needs to con­sid­er how what you have found fits with­in a larg­er context…you seek to con­nect your expe­ri­ence to a frame­work of mean­ing and understanding.

You need to dip into the Well of Wis­dom to explain your sto­ry to yourself…and you need to add your sto­ry, your dis­cov­er­ies, to that very same Wis­dom-Well too. For this is how we jour­ney and help one anoth­er. We share our insights, com­pare and con­trast the expe­ri­ences and build up a Library of Truth about our­selves and our world.

Now with Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius you need to lis­ten, think and speak with a right­eous devo­tion to the cause of a Greater Under­stand­ing. You need to hear the Truth, you need to speak the Truth…but most of all you need to live your Truth.

For you are one of the ones of the One…and your sto­ry is True.

Don’t hold back…live your Truth!