Sun Square Mars (December 2, 2011)

The Sun in Sagit­tar­ius aligns with Mars in Virgo…Okay, this is not going to be an easy day…in fact it will prob­a­bly be quite frus­trat­ing if you pro­ceed like every­thing is nor­mal. Hold­ing this in will not be healthy, and just let­ting it out will not be very pret­ty either. So, take a deep breath, step back and con­sid­er what the Uni­verse is try­ing to teach you now…for you are only here to learn…and the only rea­son you suf­fer is because you are not yet what you are to be…

The Sun rules your “self”, your pure poten­tial wait­ing to unfold into self-real­iza­tion. Mars, nor­mal­ly, serves that self by pro­vid­ing the dri­ve, ener­gy, the “get up and go” to move you towards what­ev­er you desire, what­ev­er you are aim­ing for. If the Sun is your­self, then Mars is your­self being assert­ed, it is your self-assertion.

Ide­al­ly what you want and how you move towards it should cor­re­spond with one another…You move towards more excite­ment through ener­giz­ing actions, you move towards calm­ness through more gen­tle means. But today you seem to be, as they say, “at cross pur­pos­es”, your inten­tions and actions are out of phase with one anoth­er. You may, in fact be act­ing against your­self, in ways that are self-deny­ing or self-destructive…you may be tak­ing one step for­ward only to stum­ble back sev­er­al steps, and the hard­er you push the worse it gets. What do you do?

Well, you stop! You stop and think about two things: “Where am I going, is my goal correct…and How am I get­ting there, is this the way to get there?” The Sun in Sagit­tar­ius wish­es to fol­low big ideals and ideas, broad and sweep­ing, expan­sive goals and path­ways, to be a risk-tak­er. But Mars in Vir­go is focused, real­ly focused, riv­et­ed by details, exact­ing in crit­i­cism and the prac­ti­cal ways of life…Mars in Vir­go is risk-averse.

You need to find the bal­anced path, the mid­dle way, so that you inte­grate your ide­al­ism with your real­ism, your risk-tak­ing with cau­tion. Instead of being over­ly opti­mistic or fear­ful­ly pessimistic…you need to blend the two and be a rea­son­able optimist…with a greater empha­sis upon the rea­son-side since Mars is stronger here.

The uni­verse is always seek­ing to bend you back towards the mid­dle way, back to your path­way of spir­i­tu­al truth. Today the empha­sis is upon curb­ing your enthu­si­asms and focus­ing your ideals so that you can main­tain or re-estab­lish a way of being that makes sense…

A way that takes you to where you need to be, to the only place…

At Peace.

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