Daily Archives: December 3, 2011

Mercury Conjunct Sun & Mercury Square Mars (December 4, 2011)

It is Mer­cury’s “New Moon”; the release of new inspi­ra­tion that you have been wait­ing for since Mer­cury went ret­ro­grade on Novem­ber 24 is now at hand as Mer­cury comes between the Sun and Earth. You have, (hope­ful­ly), tak­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty while Her­mes moves back­wards in Sagit­tar­ius to re-exam­ine and ques­tion the assump­tions that under­lie your prin­ci­ples, beliefs and truths.

You have pon­dered, won­dered and sought for a deep­er under­stand­ing of how what you believe cre­ates, shapes but also lim­its what you per­ceive. You have sought for answers, but have prob­a­bly come up with more questions…but now, now the uni­verse offers a flash of inspi­ra­tion to help you move beyond your self-cast shadows.

If you can, set aside some time, qui­et your mind and lis­ten for that whis­per of anoth­er way or approach, a gift from your intu­itive self about the issue you have been pondering…or per­haps you could focus on a prob­lem or dilem­ma that has been trou­bling you and then go “sleep on it”…upon awak­en­ing, you may find that an answer has be offered up, a way through is shown to you.

Then you should brace your­self and work on slow­ing down, qui­et­ing or calm­ing your mind because, lat­er today, Mer­cury squares Mars and you will need to rein in your mind (and your opinions).

Mer­cury being “pushed” by Mars makes you dis­con­nect your think­ing and speak­ing; you may end up talk­ing too much or lis­ten­ing too lit­tle, giv­ing offense or being embar­rassed (or both!). You need to remem­ber that the most impor­tant part of being a good com­mu­ni­ca­tor is being a con­sid­er­ate listener.

Do not approach com­mu­ni­ca­tion as if it is a “zero-sum game”, with a win­ner and a los­er. Always remem­ber that the word “con­scious­ness” means “con” (togeth­er) “scious­ness” (know­ing), lit­er­al­ly Know­ing Togeth­er. The way beyond your self-cast shad­ows is by shar­ing and learn­ing from one another.

With Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius and Mars apply­ing a cor­rec­tive adjust­ment from Vir­go, you need to step back from uncon­di­tion­al state­ments and dog­mat­ic posi­tions; you need to be more self-crit­i­cal of your assump­tions and more solic­i­tous of var­i­ous points of view…for you do not know what you do not know!

Looks like today you are going to gain insight and cor­rec­tion too; today is a day to stretch your per­cep­tions, chal­lenge your opin­ions and be open to shar­ing in that greater understanding.

Today is a day to move beyond your shad­owed mind and draw clos­er to the light…

Today is a good day!