Uranus Direct (December 9–10, 2011)

Uranus, the Awak­en­er turns direct tonight after 5 months of mov­ing back­wards. Of course, actu­al­ly, Uranus was and is mov­ing in the same direc­tion as do all the plan­ets cir­cling the Sun. What actu­al­ly occurred was that we on the Earth, being clos­er to the Sun, caught up to and passed Uranus on our “inside” track around the Sun. While we passed Uranus it appeared to us that it was mov­ing retrograde…and since on Earth is where we are, appear­ances do count and that real­i­ty is our truth!

The impor­tant thing for you, astro­log­i­cal­ly, is that all ret­ro­grades are peri­ods in which plan­ets turn their par­tic­u­lar ener­gies inward so that you may have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to use their influ­ence to improve your inner realms of emo­tion, thought and spir­it. What was Uranus offer­ing to you? And what do you do now?

Uranus was mov­ing ret­ro­grade in Aries so the oppor­tu­ni­ty was made to re-exam­ine your pres­ence in the world, to dig behind your masks or your per­sonas that reveal (well or poor­ly) “who you are” and what you know of your­self. Uranus offered you a chance to break with an old, out­worn or inap­pro­pri­ate way of being or act­ing. Either the world was chang­ing, or you were chang­ing (or usu­al­ly both), and the old atti­tudes and approach­es no longer fit or made sense…the mask con­cealed more than it revealed, it held you back from truer self-expression.

Now, now with Uranus direct you can go back out again with a renewed, more indi­vid­u­al­ized and authen­tic expres­sion of your­self. You can savor the release of your new, truer image and be more aligned with­in and with­out. You have a renewed per­sona and it is time to act through it…but for what?

You’ve blazed new trails with­in your­self for the past 5 months, now it is time to be a trail blaz­er in the world around you. The free­dom to be your­self is cre­at­ed in those sacred spaces that allow each and every that same free­dom of expres­sion…for none are free till all are free.

Uranus in Aries (and now direct) says it is time to lean into the lim­it­ing struc­tures between one anoth­er, to chal­lenge those old struc­tures and cre­ate greater spaces of self-realization…together.

Uranus the Awak­en­er moves you back upon your path­way of ful­fill­ment, your path of destiny.

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