Full Moon Eclipse (December 10, 2011)

This is the “oth­er half” of the Eclipse cycle. You expe­ri­enced the Sagit­tar­i­an New Moon which was a Solar Eclipse two weeks ago and now at the Full Moon Eclipse you should “get” your answer. Or do you? Here is what I wrote about this Lunar Eclipse in my Overview for 2011:

Lunar (Dec. 10)
The Lunar Eclipse on Decem­ber 10 is in Gem­i­ni. The illu­mi­na­tion pro­vid­ed at the Full Moon is inter­rupt­ed by our present cir­cum­stances. Though we wish to think more clear­ly (Gem­i­ni), old pat­terns and assump­tions need to be con­front­ed. The issue is “how intel­li­gent are you?”

The “nor­mal” rev­e­la­tion deliv­ered by a Full Moon is being “shad­owed” by the Earth (which is your present exis­tence or real­i­ty) as the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon. The mes­sage is there but some­thing in your cur­rent point of view is block­ing or shad­ow­ing the mean­ing for you. You need to under­stand the nature of the shad­ow and step beyond it to receive the mes­sage of the stars now.

Usu­al­ly the Full Moon in Gem­i­ni is there to illu­mi­nate the rela­tion­ship between the now dom­i­nant Sagit­tar­i­an approach and the Gem­i­ni expe­ri­ence of con­scious­ness. The Sagit­tar­i­an Sun’s light should help to reveal that those seem­ing­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed, com­plex and mul­ti­fac­eted Gem­in­ian points of view, “of being all things to all peo­ple”, as being not so sophis­ti­cat­ed and wit­ty but, in the end, as some­what duplic­i­tous or unprincipled. 

It should pro­vide insight into how the Sun in Sagit­tar­ius avers the impor­tance of one mind­ed­ness, of the One Truth; while the Moon in Gem­i­ni declares the impor­tance of mul­ti-mind­ed­ness, of the many truths. Both approach­es are “true” for they depend upon one anoth­er as the devel­op­ment of your con­scious­ness pro­ceeds in its spi­ral dance between Ide­al­ism and Mate­ri­al­ism, between The­o­ry and Practice.

The Gem­i­ni gift, the capac­i­ty to hold more than one thought, often­times con­tra­dic­to­ry ones at that, is need­ed in order to move beyond what might have become rigid bound­aries in con­cepts, prin­ci­ples and points of view…but in the end it is there to serve Spir­it, to pro­vide you with your adap­tive capac­i­ty to come ever clos­er to The Truth that is Spirit.

But the shad­ow, Earth­’s shad­ow which is your present, gets in the way of the mes­sage today. What can you do? You need to open your mind even more, shift your view even fur­ther so that you can see this shad­owed, dim lit cov­er­ing of your per­cep­tu­al assumptions.

Step back from the imme­di­a­cy of the issue or prob­lem at hand; place the mat­ter or con­cern into a larg­er, wider and deep­er con­text. Imag­ine your­self as if you are from anoth­er land, anoth­er cul­ture and through those eyes see what is assumed to be truer and less true.

It was 6 months ago on June 15 that you gazed with won­der at a Full Moon Eclipse; tonight you look out in the oppo­site direc­tion, into the vast­ness of Space itself. You are look­ing away from your galaxy’s cen­ter, out into the beyond…into the spaces of Space.

And at such times, as before, you should bow your head, be hum­bled and inspired by the majesty that is Creation.

4 thoughts on “Full Moon Eclipse (December 10, 2011)

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