Daily Archives: December 12, 2011

Mercury Direct (December 13, 2011)

Ready? (You know you are, real­ly you are ready)…Then Pivot!

That’s right, Her­mes has fin­ished his inner pere­gri­na­tions, his pil­grim­age with­in your mind…exploring…questioning…reexamining…your beliefs, prin­ci­ples and truths has run its course and you are mov­ing for­ward now…You are clear­er, wiser…and more hum­ble, that’s for sure. All those activ­i­ties and projects, all those miss­ing mes­sages (and pack­ages), all those func­tions or activ­i­ties that seemed to stall or slow down, well now it is time to forge ahead!

The last 3 weeks have pro­vid­ed numer­ous upsets, annoy­ances and exas­per­a­tions along the lines of “who let the grem­lins out, again?!”; and that’s what we usu­al­ly notice about Mer­cury’s retro-motion…but it is only the out­ward man­i­fes­ta­tion of a change of ener­gies that you are sup­posed to take note of and then use. You need times like these with its re-direc­tion­al­i­ty to go inside, to pon­der, to reflect and re-con­sid­er the themes and chal­lenges of the sign Mer­cury is mov­ing through. But, of course, life goes on and so those minor (and some­times major) annoy­ances accom­pa­ny his back­ward gambol.

But now, now you go for­ward with Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius till Jan­u­ary 8. He’s been in Sagit­tar­ius as I not­ed since Novem­ber 2, and that is a very long time for Mer­cury to be in one sign! It is a won­der­ful, extend­ed oppor­tu­ni­ty, now deep­ened and revised by Mer­cury’s cir­cum­am­bu­la­tion, to seek to under­stand your­self and one anoth­er bet­ter by expand­ing, explor­ing and shar­ing your dis­cov­er­ies, your beliefs and your points of view. You have become wis­er and so more hum­ble as you root­ed out some of your out­worn assump­tions, out­looks and beliefs. Your truth became refined and hope­ful­ly more nuanced as you move to that greater under­stand­ing that the process of rev­e­la­tion is and will always be nev­er-end­ing as you jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Remem­ber now, with Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius you are posi­tioned to be bold and direct, to speak with enthu­si­asm and con­fi­dence, because you are ener­gized with the notion that you’ve got “truth” on your side…and so you do, you always do…relatively speak­ing. But so does that oth­er per­son you are try­ing to per­suade. And, of course, both of you are inca­pable of being all-know­ing and with­out error so you had bet­ter wrap that truth in a lit­tle humil­i­ty. For if your inner jour­ney the last 3 weeks has taught you any­thing it is that truth is relative…relative to your devel­op­ment and capac­i­ty for under­stand­ing your­self and your world…and what you hold to be true today is just a step­ping stone to a greater aware­ness that awaits you.

So yes, speak your truth…but look and lis­ten too! For you do not know what you do not know…

Your true and lov­ing mid­dle path is to be found in that bal­anced blend­ing of mutu­al­ly increas­ing self-con­fi­dence and humility.

Be wise as a ser­pent, and gen­tle as a dove!