Venus Square Saturn (December 18, 2011)

Venus is climb­ing through Sat­urn’s sign of Capri­corn; Sat­urn is still look­ing for his part­ner in Venus’ sign of Libra. Today, today they meet up again in a square aspect…ouch! This is going to hurt, yes it is; but you only pay atten­tion, learn and grow when the ener­gies of the uni­verse bring about these con­fronta­tions. These encoun­ters pose the ques­tions and chal­lenges that serve to quick­en your jour­ney, so you can find and fol­low the path­way of spir­it, the Mid­dle Way…For, after all, you are here on Earth to unfold, learn and grow, and so become so much more… so let’s see what this mes­sage of the stars is ask­ing of you today…

Yes, it is time again, time for anoth­er encounter between “Beau­ty and the Beast”, between Val­ue and Real­i­ty, between Love and Respon­si­bil­i­ty. When­ev­er Venus encoun­ters Sat­urn in a “hard” aspect, you are usu­al­ly at a low point in self-worth or self-love. It brings about a re-assess­ment of your­self, of your val­ues and pos­ses­sions, of your love and relationships…and not all will pass the test.

Of course, it is just a “phase” you are going through, but it is true for that time…You have reached an inflec­tion point or deci­sion time as to how to rec­on­cile or bal­ance the two plan­ets and the ener­gies they are work­ing with.

Venus is in Capri­corn now, so the expres­sion of val­ue, beau­ty and love is cen­tered upon clas­si­cal ideals and forms, tra­di­tion­al last­ing qual­i­ties that have proven them­selves by their ancient lin­eage. Yet often­times a hier­ar­chy of val­ues will become crys­tal­lized, ossi­fied, devoid of spir­it, and so end up serv­ing to main­tain rigid and priv­i­leged struc­tures at the expense of spir­i­tu­al growth and truth.

So you should be thank­ful that Sat­urn in Libra is here to chal­lenge, reaf­firm and remind Venus that Order (Sat­urn) must be Just (Libra); that any claim of priv­i­lege and posi­tion with­in a hier­ar­chy must be matched through the ful­fill­ment of your respon­si­bil­i­ties to one anoth­er. There are many types of social orders and hier­ar­chies in your world, but the foun­tain-source, the root cause and deter­min­ing fac­tor in all is the one true Hier­ar­chy of Spir­it.

You turn your gaze for­ward, upwards and see the Great Souls who have gone ahead, who offer you hope by extend­ing their good thoughts, uncon­di­tion­al love and will­ing sup­port as you strive to become more like them. You turn your gaze back­ward, down­wards and see all the oth­er souls who trail behind you, and you extend your hand and thoughts, your love and will to them…because, because you know and you feel that it is right…because one and all are ones of the One.

Sat­urn lays down the chal­lenge to Venus, to your val­ues, to your love and asks, “Are you wor­thy?” For if you wish to enjoy your val­ues, to claim your rights and your priv­i­leges, you must be able to affirm that you have equal­ly met your responsibilities…for that is what the word Respon­si­bil­i­ty sim­ply means, it means “your abil­i­ty to respond”…and what are you respond­ing to? Why, to the needs of any and all in your cir­cle of life.

Because each and every, one and all are part of this spi­ral jour­ney; each and every unfold, grow and devel­op their capac­i­ty to respond to one anoth­er through this won­drous, hier­ar­chy, this spi­ral of being, of giv­ing and receiv­ing that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Let us give thanks, thanks be to Saturn…the Teacher, who keeps your feet upon the path­way of Light!

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