Venus Square Jupiter (December 20, 2011)

Just after Venus arrives in Aquar­ius, she bumps (squares) into Jupiter. Though these two are called the “benefics” in Astrol­o­gy, too much of any­thing is still too much! When plan­ets square one anoth­er, their com­bined effects can lead to each going to a more extreme expres­sion. So be care­ful tonight so as not to overindulge or go to excess…about or with any­thing or anyone!

Squares always pose chal­lenges and choic­es; they seem­ing­ly force you into the posi­tion of hav­ing to choose one thing or anoth­er. Here you think you must choose between what Venus is ask­ing for, or to choose what Jupiter is stand­ing for. As always, the right and true path is the mid­dle road, the path­way of integration.

Venus is attract­ed to what is beyond the ordi­nary now…if it is dif­fer­ent, unusu­al or excep­tion­al it must be good. Jupiter in Tau­rus rais­es the reminder of a “but”…different and unique is fine, but Jupiter asks is your rela­tion­ship wor­thy, last­ing and sen­si­ble too? It seems as if you must choose between the sparkle of excep­tion­al­ism and the com­fort of the reliable…but you can (and must) have both. How? Easy, you must believe that it is possible…and then it is!

Remem­ber, this is your real­i­ty and your own self-made dilem­mas are what you encounter…and so you can change them by being true to the whole of you. Real­ly, both ways are true and necessary…measure to mea­sure they should bal­ance, sup­port and inform one anoth­er. For what was excep­tion­al once will become the expect­ed; and what is now expect­ed will always attract a refresh­ing vis­it from the exceptional.

Venus and Jupiter are mere­ly remind­ing you that in order to live a life that is true, you must believe in and then live a life of one­ness, not of divi­sion and denial…

You must be true to all of yourself…and equal­ly to one anoth­er. For only then will you secure for you and yours the boun­ty of life and love, to have your “Bread and Ros­es” too.

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